Last year after the half marathon, I don't think I ran for a couple of weeks and it was tough to get back on track, I felt my fitness dipped quite a bit and by the time the group met again in September, I felt I had to a lot of ground to recover.
This year I was determined to not let this happen and thankfully, I wasn't alone, some of the girls also wanted to keep going. So each Monday, we meet up, whoever can make it does and if you can't there's always next week. We meet at the Killarney National Park, where there are so many directions in which you can run offering great variety. And there's also some one else out running..
We have been doing some hill training as some of us are aiming to do the 10 mile race in Killarney this September, which features one or two hills and so preparation is needed.
And if I was just on my own, I would run in the other direction of a hill. Maybe, once I'd give it a go but I wouldn't try as hard as I do when with the group.
The last few evenings we have had a few rain showers so it makes it harder to put on your trainers and head out for a run, but at least its not as humid as it has been!
I am as usual trying to push through my internal monologue of running doom and have had some success in doing so. Even John has noticed, when we run together my pace has stepped up.
John took this of me on the go!!
I am doing a 10K on Sunday just so I'll have run at near race pace. Hahaha listen to me race pace, its nearly all the same pace.. I am bringing John along with me, to push me on.
We are up to date now, and I will write about the 10K early next week.
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