Monday, 9 December 2013

Not a happy camper...

Well  let me say, I was ready and primed for the Clonakilty 10K it was going to be the best run of the year. In my training, I was running consistently I had developed a good steady even pace, so I was prepared for a good run.
My woes started late the night before the run, I was in and out of the bed with each wave of nausea that hit. I did get some sleep and when the alarm went off after 6am Saturday morning, I did consider just turning over but I didn't. I got ready,  left the house to go and meet Susan with the sound of John giving out saying 'give it a miss'. It took us just over an hour to reach Clonakilty, we were directed into a field which was full of cars and people, you could feel the nervous excitement in the air. I gathered my bits as I was dying for the loo we headed for the hotel to queue. From the hotel, we walked down to the start line, there were people everywhere milling around waiting for the start. My stomach was still not right, I thought I was probably a bit nervy and it would settle once I started.
And then off I was running, I was OK steady, I made it through the first mile but my stomach was in my throat, it was not the most comfortable feeling.  After the second mile, the road began to climb, we were directed to keep to the left and coming against me on the right were fabulous men and women who were racing to cross the finish line. Unlike me who on this particular day was hoping to see the finish line. Onwards, I climbed the hill I could feel myself slowing, slowing, slowing, ahhhhh - WALKING!!  When I say hill, I mean 'mini-mountain', my only bit of comfort in the misery which engulfed my mind and stomach was that I wasn't alone, everyone around me was walking too. At the peak, there was a steep decline, which led to the water station, the run was at this stage was flat and then a 'mini mountain' which was virtually vertical loomed before me. I just laughed and pushed on.
Onwards, I had by this stage reverted to the stop start method. Along the coast I went, on another day it would be fabulous to run beside, the view spectacular! Going forward, I couldn't even sprint to the finish line it was a mild trot and I crossed the line.
Susan met me she had a great run, I was sooo jealous!!! I was 4 Min's slower than the 10K in Killarney and I just knew I was better than that at this stage. I went to get water and just take a moment. I decided to put a smile on at least I hadn't given up. Some consolation to my battered ego!
We waited for Bernie to come in, she was running the half marathon, we also met John from the run Killarney group, he said it was tough, but he was smiling.  Unfortunately, Bernie didn't have a great run either having pulled a muscle along the route.
There was a great array on offer at the finish line, coke, water, berroca, tea, coffee, biscuits and clonakilty pudding. The medals we were given were lovely as was the tech shirt we got.
Clonakilty over  I am taking a few days off running and then training  begins again for 2014's 10 miler.

Happy days and runs to come.... (fingers crossed)

Fake it till you make it....

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Finally progress......

Well I haven't written in a while but I have been running. And, I have been running steadily and happily. I have been really enjoying our Tuesday evening training, its great to run with the group. We have been training from the Car park in Lidl which I think for some reason has helped to re-focus me. A few weeks back at the end of one our sessions, I realised that I hadn't stopped once while training, I had kept going like everyone else and I felt proud of this little achievement.
Since that night, I have felt so much better and much more confident about my running. I feel a steadiness in my legs which I can't really explain in words other than to say I know now I can do it! 
I have looked forward each week to Tuesday evening, running with the group pushes me to run better in a way I wouldn't do by myself. This week we had our last Tuesday session until the the start of January.
The weather has been a bit hit and miss and I have got wet while out running. Running in the rain is really refreshing and it has given me a real sense of freedom. There was one Sunday in particular that springs to mind when the rain was so heavy the paths in the park were starting to get flooded but yet it was a good run. This time last year in that rain I wouldn't have walked to the car to drive through park!
The next few weeks I will run knowing I have signed up to do the 10k in Clonkilty in December.  The hills are freaking me out a bit.
I just keep saying to myself keep moving forward eventually I'll see the finish the line.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Hell, Hell, Hell, Hell, HELLLLLLLLLLLL

Saturday, 26th October 2013 will be etched into my memory for a long, long time. The day went as follows:-

The alarm went off at 7.30 am, so after breakfast etc.. I set off to Killarney to meet Susan. John was driving which was great it meant I didn't have to, he brought my dad along for company. The weather was so shocking - rain, wind, fog and as we arrived in Portmagee you could not even see Hell Mountain  as I will forever more refer to it.
Our two cheerleaders at this stage were looking for a cancellation!
We headed into the community centre, where we collected our numbers and a lovely hell mountain t-shirt. Time has a way of passing quickly and soon, we were on the bus to the start line, we left the enthusiastic cheer squad behind to get another bus.
We were dropped at the end of a steep narrow road, which took us up to the farm yard from where the challenge would start! Then we deposited our change of clothes in the women's cow shed, yes I did say Cow Shed. Looking at the group around me, I just knew they were there to race, the air was full of anticipation and determination.
It was still drizzling outside but not as heavy. There was, as is always the case a queue for the loo and as Susan queued, we met Bernie from our running group. We caught glimpses of Bernie for a while after we started but she sprinted off ahead of us, so I can't wait to catch up with her during the week. As we were all shuffled up the lane way, they let us off in waves.
We had to run up a steep hill, I swear the air just seemed to leave my body in such a rush I was Ughhhh!! Onwards and upwards, next stop the Silage bales, lovely. Around the corner and there was a bog, through it we went, oh and then I fell for the first time. The first of many, many, many falls! Then under the net, crawling through the mud, the noise as I and those around me pushed and squelched through it  and the smell of the mud got stronger as we push onwards! I could hear the screaming ahead. At this stage, we were still laughing, Susan was in front of me as she went through the water she roared how cold it was and as I waded into the waist deep cold water, I roared too, I think!.  Of course, as I went forward toward the next hurdle I was going through the mud when I fell back into the mud. I couldn't get a grip and a nice man picked me up! Thanks, whoever you were! A pile of tyres, I tried to pick up the smallest tyre I could see, up the hill and down we went. I went up and down so many hills yesterday, I don't know how many there were, they were so tiring. Climbing up the next hill, the spectators were there, I posed for photos for John.
At this stage, our cheerleaders began to cheer us on by saying the following "you don't have to go on, you can stop". Of course, we said NO. At a later stage, I probably regretted that decision! We had to go into knee and waist deep bog holes and then go down a water slide. YIPPEE!!!

As I went down the slide, I picked up speed too quickly and as I turned to slow down,  I landed with a bang head first into bog hole. Two fine gentlemen had to pull me out, as I spluttered & thrashed about, Susan at this stage was bent in two with laughter along with everyone else around me, all I could do was laugh too. As I continued, I turned to climb up again and go through a set of narrowing tyres, the mud was awful, and then it hit me the smell of cow shit or silage and it was soooo hard to get through.

At this stage, we got a very welcome bottle of water. Down again, we went into a river of water and up a hill again. Then down on my hands and knees under a net crawling in mud which flowed down. The smell was rotten! Up on my two legs I got and then I tried to climb in ankle deep mud badly. At this stage you would imagine I had climbed most of the mountain. You would be wrong! 
Up, Up, Up, Up we went, Susan went ahead the path was just mud. There were parts I crawled as my back was on fire and my legs were cramping. But then I heard Susan saying "you're there, at the top". But just as a feeling of elation hit it left. There was still more mountain to go. Ughhhhhh!!!!
As mud, water and bog blended with misery to enrich my experience, the views were completely lost to me. I did glance at the view but then kept moving forward and then downward FINALLY. There was no let up though mud, water, bog, crawling, over logs we climbed as the cheer leading squad came into view again.  As, I jumped into a bog full of water and then climbed through the mud to get out of it, I had to remind myself once again that day; I paid to do this, volunteered myself and cajoled Susan into doing it. The fact she was still speaking to me was something in itself!
The cheer leading squad headed for the farmyard, we continued on our hands and knees through pallets of mud. Down we went and up again. Yippee a pile of sandbags! And then yes, the road to the farmyard as we went down our paced picked up, I kid you not it wasn't finished more Silage bales and more water was in front of us. We jogged on and crossed the line, I felt such relief. Yeahhh!!! I swear I was weary to my very bones.
We were covered, Caked in mud!  We got hosed down by a very cold power hose.

We changed as quickly as we could, there was mud everywhere. I forgot my towel so I had share Susan's seriously all I could do at that stage was laugh as I stood wet and covered in mud in a cow shed! We put the clothes we were wearing in black bags what a state they were in.  (Just a note it took me 10 washes to get the mud completely out of my hair).

Portmagee promised HELL and they lived up to it. Today, I have bruises, aches, pains, I am wrecked!
I will not be doing another challenge which involves mountains or mud!!! 

At least I left Portmagee smiling, I had been to HELL (dragging Susan with me I should add!) GONE UP THE MOUNTAIN and most off all I had eventually CONQUERED IT!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

What have I done?

I have been out running in the National Park, you can really feel the change in the evenings now, it gets dark so early. But the park is full these days as the deer rut is on and large groups are out & about with their cameras.
I have met one or two stags as I have been putting into practice the breathing lessons Brenda gave us, it has nearly done me in - I kid you not! I was in the demense, listening to the wonderful sounds of the Stags as I ran toward Ross Castle, I was taking in air  when ughhh I also took in a fly, I swear I got such a start I nearly tripped over myself. There I was coughing and spluttering, I think I got it out. I can still vividly remember the feeling as I retell it. Aghhhhh.
This past week even though I have got through my programme, I wasn't feeling my best. I have a slight sinus flare up so it wasn't great.
Well I signed up for the Hell Mountain Run in Portmagee. PANIC!!!! I also enisted or should I say cajoled/nagged Susan into doing it to. So next Saturday, I will be covered in mud and I suspect giving out wildly to myself for signing up.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Racing dreams.

Well having taken on what Brenda said, I tried to put it all into practice. 
Probably the first run after that training session, I did a run around the demense and the Killarney Golf Course, it just was not going to the plan I had in my head. Without my glasses, I am as blind as a bat and as I ran onto the golf course there was a load of golfers, I was sure I was going to get a golf ball in the head. I freaked myself out and slowed down and down to a WALK. I know maddening!!!! But as I came on to the path, I gave myself a good talking to. The couple, I was passing at the time, must have thought who is the raving lunatic because at that moment, I realised I was giving out to myself aloud! But I dug in and kept going, when I felt myself stopping I slowed down to a shuffling jog. As I saw the playground, I was still running, yeahhhh!! and I felt good/strong.
My next few runs I felt more confident in myself and I think that kept me moving forward. I was smiling as I ran and yes, I did use the R word.
For our next training session, we were hill running. Oh what fun, that was. I kid you not I had pains in my gluteus maximus the following day!
I had to drop my mother in law to Farranfore airport during the week, I was in Killarney for just after 7 am. So I parked at the Gleneagle Hotel and went for a run, there were a good few people out and about. I had to run pass the 'STOP' sign that gave me nightmares for so much of this year, I fooled my brain by running pass it to flesk bridge so I sailed pass it with a smile on face. Progress? I have to say I felt like a real grown-up going for a run before work.  
You know that saying 'two steps forward one step back', well that's how I felt at training this week. This week was all about breathing. I was ok for awhile but then ........... Homework, to be done.

I also felt I should set down a few running goals and so for the rest of this year my running aims are the following:-
10K  in Clonakilty on 7th December 2013
and as I was inspired by Brenda and Bernie at the weekend who did Killarney Adventure Race, I'm going to sign up for Hell Mountain Race in Portamagee.

Wish me luck!!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Finding my pace.....

Well I am a few weeks back into the running group and I'm really enjoying it.
At training last Tuesday, Brenda pointed out I was running off at the group pace, which as anyone who has read my ramblings knows is not my pace,  and it will hinder me more than help. But sometimes it is nice to be at the top of the group than at the back.
Also, as I run or if I pick up pace I can't keep it up and so stop up, just for a quick breath and head off again. So, as we ran Brenda said slow down if I have to BUT DO NOT STOP MOVING FORWARD, and this I did. Of course, I knew I was doing this but when someone points it out you have to make more of an effort to stop, which during the week since Tuesday I have been trying to do.
I have to say it is still so warm outside especially when running and I must remember to bring water with me. Training in the National Park is lovely at the moment,  as it looks amazingggg!! 
Plan at the moment is about me finding my comfortable pace and putting in the mileage.
Congrats to  Bernie and Caroline in my running group who completed the Charleville Half Marathon last Sunday.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

My first 10K

I always had it in the back of my head that I might run in the Killarney women's mini marathon, but I still hadn't signed up by the time our running group met up. That first Tuesday, we were discussing the Killarney women's mini marathon a few of the girls were signed up, so that convinced me to give it a go. I signed up that Thursday and began to prepare.
On the morning of the mini marathon, I collected my number and goodie bag, I met Tina like me she was nervous. My mum who was walking it was also nervous, my stomach  was upset. I met up with Michelle  wishing each other well, soon enough we had started.  Off we all set, up the Main street I felt good I continued running and felt strong and steady. As, we turned into the Demesne across from the Cathedral all the men were lined up to cheer us on. I walked up the hill because everyone around me was and I thought I'd do the same. I powered on as I collected water at what I call the canal walk, the girls around me became familiar as over the next 4 Km we kept each other in sight. I don't like this part of the National Park it's hilly and ughhh!!
Onwards I went and as I turned towards Killarney House because  I just couldn't see the finish line I nearly pulled up when I saw Susan & Mary I was asking
 "where is the finish line"
" keep going, you're there" said Susan
And then I was. Yeah. 1:16:35.
I know there will be people reading this who will say how slow and yes compared to others it is but for me on that day I was happy.
Michelle was there at the finish she had done amazingly well and finished under the 60mins. We celebrated with raspberry ice cream which was being given out.  Tina and Bernie had also come in under the 60mins.  The medals they gave out were lovely.
I had achieved a 10K PB. So now onwards I go!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Summer break is over so time to get back on track

Well after the half marathon,   I took two full weeks off. I started back with 2 or so runs a week. The weather has been great thankfully not as hot as that Saturday in July but dry and warm. My running has taken me throughout the national park in Killarney and I have really enjoyed that experience. I feel I have improved as the Summer has moved on. As usual my brain is my biggest downfall, when I don't think, my running is easy.  Its when my brain switches on and tells my lungs and legs they've done enough or gone far enough, that I find it tough. But I really love it
As September has arrived our running group has begun to meet each week again and so I have decided to write again too.

Monday, 22 July 2013


Well I completed the Run Killarney Half Marathon on yesterday 20th July 2013. As always with me my running it wasn't pretty, at times it was bloody torturous but at the finish line I felt pure elation. I had done it!
This is how the day went it probably will be long winded as I want to record as much of the day as I can remember.
The alarm went off at 5.30 am after dressing, brushing teeth etc.., a mug of coffee and a banana, I was out the door. I had my porridge the night before. Susan stayed at my house the night before so we travelled into Killarney together. We were to meet the group at 6.50am at the Gleneagle Hotel. We managed to park quiet easily and we put on our race numbers. I was number 573. Before I met up with everyone I had to rush to the bathroom there was quiet a few people doing the same thing. The sun was up and it was warm, there was such a great sense of anticipation in the air. Everyone in the group seemed in good spirits.  Mags husband Niall was there he like Aidan and John was running the full Marathon Also Brenda's husband Pat was there to do the half marathon. A newly married couple from Brenda's group in Dingle was also there, they were lovely and planned to run together which they did.
The next step was to head on to the bus which we did, as the bus pulled away someone pointed out the 13 mile mark across the road. I hoped I would see it again that day ( In fact I actually do not recall passing the sign again!). As the bus progressed up to Moll's Gap the chat began to lessen.  Liam as relaxed as he is, went for a nap! As the bus reached Moll's my stomach actually came up to meet my throat luckily that's as far as it went at that stage in the day. Like half of the people above there, many of us decided we needed the toilet, there was a queue heading to Kenmare so instead of queueing for a portaloo I queued to squat behind a rock. I kid you not. I am sure I have said before, there was is no glamour in running. Well, then we did the warm up, after which Brenda saw Valerie O Sullivan and went over to get a photo taken of all of us.

I hadn't a clue was about to happen to me physically but more importantly mentally.
There wasn't much else left to do but wish each other well as we moved toward the START line. Then BANG BANG courtesy of Michael Healy Rae TD and I was off. I felt good and was trying not to get pushed on with the crowd. Off I went at a good pace for me, I had a great view as the runners rounded the bends in front of me. I was happy for all of them and for me, this feeling quickly left me a few miles down the road. If there was one part of the route that our group dreaded it was the hill around Kissanes sheep farm, up I went slowly but I remember saying to myself you did it. I was quiet proud of my self. As I passed the lake there were lads camping, they were taking pictures and encouraging us onwards, there was also a pull up as the lake ended. I thought it was OK as I knew now that Ladies View was in reach of my legs. It was getting hotter at this stage. I took water and plodded onwards. I kept on my downhill path, at last there was some relief from the heat with the shade of the trees around me. I swear at this stage of the run I was thinking look I'm not doing too bad, I'm enjoying this. (How Innocent I was!). I met an American lady earlier who was taking pictures, really enjoying the surroundings of the run.
Passed mile 6 knowing I was nearly half way done and only 3 or so miles until I got to the national park. Mile 7 came up quick enough, I was on my way to mile 8 when I was walking and I got the chills. It freaked me out!  I continued forward  but my legs seriously felt like two concrete blocks filled with lead. Mile 8 came, I kept thinking the turn off for Dinis will be coming up soon. Around this time, I caught the smell of a dead animal, thinks weren't bad enough!
I just couldn't see mile 9, my hands began to swell and felt stiff. F*** it I thought! Just keeping moving . I seriously thought 'will I just sit down' and at this stage I was running and walking in fact I don't know what I was doing. I know my body was having it's own meltdown. I can't believe I'm going to say this but I wet myself and I hardly knew it happened. I was on my own on the road and I tried to calm myself which I managed to with a bit of success.
Then, I saw a steward like a mirage,  he handed me water, he said that I was headed into a wooded bit which was good because I knew Muckross was ahead and it would be hot, hot, hot! There before me also was a little girl with a water sponge I put the water done the back of my neck, I remember Brenda saying she found it cooled her there. It worked. I can honestly say, I knew this route so well and It was a killer yesterday.  I tried to motivate myself as best I can I wasn't do a good job. All, I had was to keep going forward.  Around,  what I call the HA HA bridge,  I genuinely thought that the 10K was over. I pushed on running as best I could through the wooded area I knew so well, into the bright again  I began to walk on, I went up the hill towards the second Lake Hotel entrance, I let the fall of the road bring me along and as I turned the corner at Hegarty's shop I saw the Gleneagle Hotel ahead of me. I also saw my Dad, when I got up to him I was babbling my hands felt so stiff I asked him did Mum come in (I should point out my Mum was doing the 10K). He said no, they left that long. I was moving forward as we spoke. His being there gave me an extra spurt. Off I went again I saw someone coming toward me it was Susan with a medal around her neck, she said your nearly there everyone is above. So I just kicked in and went for it with whatever I had in me.

I crossed the line and felt like I was going to puke. I did wretch slightly. Thankfully a gentleman tapped me on the shoulder and he said you have to cross the two sets of rubber mats to get your time, which I did. I also got my medal, a bottle of water and a banana. 
As I went out to meet everyone, I felt overwhelmed I had wanted to do the half marathon in 3 hrs, net time was 2:58.12. DELIGHTED. Yes, I would love to say I ran a 2 or 2.30 hr, but I am only at the beginning of my running now I have something to aim for. There was so many people around John, his sister in law Eileen and our nephews were there, as were our cheerleaders Catherine & Elaine.
I met the rest of the group, they had done so well especially at the pace they run, in the heat (I believe it was in the 20's c). I Had heard them cheering me in and that's what makes being in a group so great there is always someone there to champion you.
I wanted to head to the car to do a quick change, get flip flops etc... On the way back, I headed toward the tent for the massage. As I queued, I had a few moments to myself to take in the roller coaster I had been on for the last 3hours, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness. The queue was long but I committed to it, as I queue I saw Joanie coming me from the 10K , I also saw my mum. I got up on the couch and got a rub on my calves which helped them.
Then it was my turn to stand and cheer those who were coming in, Niall Mags husband came in and then we waited as a group for John & Aidan to come in. We cheered them on as they crossed the finish line, the heat had been particularly bad in the second half of the course, affecting them as it had everyone else. Aidan was smiling as he usually had been throughout our training. Caroline who is one of the strongest in our group collapsed during her half marathon due to the heat, which put a little cloud over our group. But she'll be back stronger next year.

Well there we are at the finish all 'medaled up'.
After spending the afternoon watching all the runners coming in with Susan, Elaine & Catherine, we met up with some of the group that could come back in that evening, to catch up on our experiences of the day, to relax and unwind. It was a lovely way in to end a truly memorable day.

They say you always you remember your first half-marathon well I couldn't imagine I could ever forget the roller coaster that it was and like any roller coaster when you get off, you want to get back on .
And so, I will continue on with my running hopefully improving as I go.

I want to thank Brenda Doody who trained me, offering her time, knowledge and patience. As well as, all the members of a great group:- Aidan, Assumpta,  Bernie, Caroline, Geraldine, Geradina, Joanie, John, Lisa, Liam, Michelle, Mags, Mary, Susan, Tina, who all did amazingly well.

Friday, 19 July 2013


Well it's the night before the Run Killarney Half marathon. I made it!!!!!! It doesn't seem that long ago I was starting my training. That first run to the STOP sign will stay in my memory. I have since developed a hate/love relationship with this Killarney landmark and  had to share a picture of it with you all. I am reliably informed most of our group have developed the same feelings for it

Here it is!

Today I collected my run pack, got my first official race tech  t-shirt. I went to the expo and had the pleasure of meeting Gerry Duffy. What a true gentleman. I got his latest book,  'Tick, Tock, Ten', which I look forward to reading next week. He took the time to speak to me and offer encouragement, which I very much appreciated. He was very generous with his time with all those who approached him.

I met a few of the group and everyone seemed in good spirits.

And so, the next time I will write on this blog, I hopefully will have completed a half marathon.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The Countdown has begun.

Well it's Tuesday and I should have had training this evening but It's finished.  So, I feel at quite a loss.
Yesterday, our group had our final meeting before Saturday, it was a chat just to go over the plan for Saturday. We asked Brenda numerous questions about - food, clothes, pacing etc. etc... She answered all our questions  but with the forecast predicted to hit a temperature high of 27 degree celcius it preoccupied a lot of the discussion. The weather just makes it more daunting. AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
At stages during the meeting I was I had various emotions. At one stage, I was laughing like a mad woman I think I was delirious at the thought of it all. I hope I'm not like that on Saturday.  We all agreed to meet Saturday morning 6.45am to get the bus to the top of Moll's Gap.

Doing my last run tomorrow before Saturday!!!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Melting OMG!!!

The last time I wrote that Summer had come and it is lovely but when you are running it is fairly torturous.  I was training one day during the week and the sweat was everywhere. As I ran up to the Gleneagle Hotel I could hardly see because the sweat was flowing into my eyes. UGHHHHH!!!!
Training in this weather is hard and slower than normal which means for me I was really slowwww!!! I knew we were going to have the good weather for awhile but I could have cried when I heard the long range forecast had Saturday 20th July down for 27 degrees Celsius. The only thing is it's starting at 8.30am, so the intense heat won't be there (hopefully).

At present, I feel a mixture of excitement and blind panic. I hope the latter will go as the week goes on.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Here comes the sun

Well since the last biggest run, the summer has arrived.
I have been out training, I feel stronger in my running but I'm still as slow as anything but I have to say I enjoy it so much. I don't walk as much and I think it is kicking in mentally. On Brenda's recommendation I read Gerry Duffys 'Who Dares, Runs', I found it inspirational. And during the week I found out he will be at the Run Killarney expo, so excited!
After one great Friday run around Muckross, I forgot to do my post run stretches and  the following morning my knee was so stiff, I had to miss Saturday morning training. By Tuesday, it had loosened out but was still not completely right and by Thursday, I felt back to full fitness.

I went out for a quick 3 mile run on Friday the day was glorious so I took a few photos of the beautiful scenery I get to run in -  how lucky am I!!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Poem to inspire

My comfort Zone

I used to have a comfort zone where I knew I wouldn’t fail
The same four walls and busy work were really more like jail
I longed so much to do the things I’d never done before,
But stayed inside my comfort zone and paced the same old floor
I said it didn’t matter that I wasn’t doing much
I said I didn’t care for things like commission cheques and such
I claimed to be so busy with the things inside the zone
But deep inside I longed for something special of my own
I couldn’t let my life go by just watching others win
I held my breath; I stepped outside and let the change begin
I took a step and with new strength I’d never felt before
I kissed my comfort zone goodbye and closed and locked the door
If you’re in a comfort zone, afraid to venture out.
Remember that all winners were at one time filled with doubt
A step or two and words of praise can make your dreams come true
Reach for your future with a smile; success is there for you.

 (Author unknown)

 As read in Gerry Duffy;s 'Who Dares runs'

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Longest run done! YEAH!!!

Saturday morning, I met our group in the Gleneagle hotel car park at 8 a.m.  It had been raining earlier but had dried up so as I set off it was a fine fresh morning. We all stayed together until the Lake Hotel where we did our stretches and then we continued on. 
As I continued into the national park I was happy enough, I just went at my own pace. Before long I had passed the Abbey and was heading in the direction of  Muckross house, before the house I turned right and headed toward Dinis Cottage.  Basically you are running round the lake.
I saw no one in front of me but  I felt comfortable as I ran. Then, I saw Caroline and Aidan coming against me, they had all started their run at 7, they looked good for what they had run.
As I was running, I found myself smiling I was enjoying myself so far! The route is very hilly, some of which aren't too bad, some of which are, but it really is a beautiful part of the national park. After passing the 'meeting of the waters bridge' and just before 'Dinis cottage', I met Liam coming against me, I think I was smiling when I passed him as I continued pass Dinis Cottage and onto towards the car park on the Molls Gap road, I wasn't smiling as much. The hills seemed harder to climb. I met  Lisa, Tina, and Geraldine they were running well. As I turned and went up the next hill, I thought "I must be nearly there",  At this point I met Susan and Michelle they were cursing the hills.  Then after few metres I turned the next corner and I kid you not the climb up to the car park was very, very, very steep.  As I got to the top, I stopped to retie my laces which had come lose. It had been annoying me slightly.
As I set off, I couldn't settle into it for a while. To settle myself, I broke the run into small and smaller parts, I was telling myself " run to the next corner", "run up the next  two hills" with the end of these phrases ending with "without walking".  I met a runner at this point running against me, he would pass me once more before I was finished, as slow as I am he was really quick. As I passed the copper mines, I had a few jelly beans. On my last long run I hadn't taken any, so this time I remembered to take a few. 
The rain had held off, the worst I had was a light mist which was quiet refreshing. As I reached the house at the beginning of the trail I felt good because I knew that barring serious injury was going to complete the run. I met three jarvey's which I had to pull in from and as I arrived at Muckross Abbey once more, I said a quick prayer.  And I thought about the book I had read during the week Gerry Duffy's 'Who dares runs', Brenda had recommended that I read it and I found it truly inspiring.  I thought of the old man in Dublin telling Gerry
'put one foot in front of the other and I promise you that you will reach the finish'
and I kept moving forward. As I approached the stop sign at the Gleneagle Hotel I thought I was done but no, I had to continue towards Randles garage and return. As I headed to the stop sign for the second time, I felt my feet quicken once more, I wanted to finish strong with a smile on my face. Which I did  and in doing so  I ran 13 miles.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

New Shoes and blue skies

They arrived a few weeks ago and they are seeing plenty of use!
It makes it easier to go out and train when you can look at a blue sky above you. I was out in Muckross today, plenty of people around. I really enjoyed the run today.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Run Killarney its in sights

This is the promo for the half marathon I'm running.

This week I feel good about my limited abilities. I have realised during my training I can push myself when needed or if needed.
I am doing my last long run next Saturday 13 miles. When Brenda said it again yesterday my heart was palpitating. But what I have to keep in mind is that I have done 10 miles, no it wasn't pretty but I did it,  My goal this year is to cross the line. This time  next year I hope to be a better runner.
During the week, I have been training in the Muckross part of the national park , as it still holds some kind of mental block over me when I run. I stop, start, stop, start. I get so cross with myself.  I am determined to conquer this inner demon over the few weeks I have left.
I was late for training yesterday morning and had to catch up with the group, We were doing hill training in the demesne . How do runners go up  mountains and hills at pace in the adventure races? I was winded half way up the hill for the first time.
All I can do at this point is keep training and give it my all.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Here comes the Summer

Well Friday evening I did feel better and went out for 4 miles. I tried to stay to the shadier routes. People were sitting out and it seemed more people were out an about than usual. I actually enjoyed it. Saturday morning, we had training the sky was blue and you could imagine you were in the tropics. We all set off on our run, I just got on with it, yes I slowed a bit at times, yes I stopped to get my breath but I kept going. And this is the thing, This time next year I will be so much better. But today I'm so much better than I was in February.
I enjoyed Saturday morning, Aidan who is running in the marathon in July was doing a longer run and he is an inspiration, he is always smiling as he runs.  Brenda told us on Tuesday that  are 13 mile long run is on Saturday 22nd June, we would be starting at 8 am. On Saturday, Brenda told us some wanted to start at 7 am so we have the choice to start at 7 or 8. I'm going go at 8 am because the half marathon will start at 8.30 am and I want to practice with eating before hand, hydration etc..
After training on Saturday headed to the beach Rossbeigh it was fab!
On Sunday, went down around Muckross again, I managed to do 3 miles. I would feel so guilty if I didn't go.
I am giving it my all for the few weeks that are left. AHHHHHH!!!!!!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

I'm melting

Well having recovered from the big run on Friday night, I headed out on Sunday morning for a 5 mile trek, which felt good. Training on Tuesday night, was tough it was very warm, I was sweating. There is NO glamour in running. We had to run down at a standard pace and then sprint up to that STOP sign. Oh No! it was not pretty. But you know what it is,  when you are in the middle of it and you can't catch your breath or your legs are heavy,  it feels UGHHHHH and then you finish and you feel so great. it's a real rush.
I went out on Wednesday morning, it was a beautiful but it's so hard to run in this heat. I am slower than usual but the weather is so fab. I did 5 miles on Wednesday and headed out to do 7 miles this evening, oh oh.  I was so tired and the heat, it felt like hard work.
Hopefully after a good night's sleep, I'll feel fresher tomorrow

Saturday, 1 June 2013

I did do it!

Well I DID IT! YEAHHHH! I completed 10 miles, double digit figure. The most overwhelming emotion I felt at the end was relief. Relief that I can and will be able to do the distance. Now having said all that there was nothing graceful about my 10 mile performance, at the end of it I looked and felt shattered.
John dropped me into Killarney, I was to meet Brenda at the demesne at 5.15pm. I arrived early, the evening was fab, there was blue sky which is always a bonus. As Brenda arrived so to did Mags and Tina, Brenda handed us a little bag of jelly beans, they put them in the pocket of their running leggings. Of course mine, had no pocket so I put mine in my running bra, the Glamour of it all.
Soon Aidan appeared, Brenda said Susan was coming but being a bank holiday weekend  the traffic had held her up a bit. We all ran on together Susan caught up, we stretched together and then we all set off. Everyone was nervous about this run, its the psychology of the double digit. Aidan I should point is doing the full marathon, he was doing a 15 mile run.
So I was off, on my 10 mile run. I let everyone off, in fact I didn't think about them for the most part. I headed off on the path towards the Castlerosse hotel, I had never used this path before. So when I got to Castlerosse I had to have a look around for the rest of the path which I did see and I continued on towards the Killarney Golf Club. At this point I hadn't walked. I kept looking ahead and as I turned into the Killarney Golf club driveway I realised I wasn't really sure which way I was to go next. I had google mapped it, Brenda had explain it and Mags & Tina had explained it, yet I was a bit anxious. I went down the driveway and I turned in to the road by the lake. There were golfers were on the greens, you know the way your suppose to be quiet I could hear the bag of jelly beans in my bra as I ran I was hoping the golfers couldn't hear. At one point the road breaks off to the right nearer the lake, I thought maybe I should take this but I realised quickly this was not the way. Having gone on the right road I asked a group of cyclists if this road took you to Killarney, they answered yes. So I continued, I went through black gates and found myself at  the back of the Castlerosse Hotel I met Aidan coming against me smiling. At this stage of my run I was smiling myself. I saw the cottage then there was a fork in the road one going slightly downhill the other going slightly uphill. I like an eijit (I'll explain later why) chose the slightly uphill path, it lead out into a familiar part of the demesne. I then turned right down to the end, followed the route left and kept going until I turned left again up the hill towards entrance to the demesne.
And then I started again, I heard Brenda shout out my name in  encouragement she was out at her car waiting for the rest of the group who were starting at about 6.30. I should say I had no watch etc.. on me. I continued on, now I needed to talk to myself a bit more at this stage which was 'I can do it, I have done it, I will do it'.
I was definitely slower this time round and as I turned into the lower road at the Golf club, Lisa and Caroline passed me they really do make it look easy but as usual they give words of encouragement. Not long after them Duracell Liam passed , Brenda came on her bike she gave me more water which was welcome, she also told me to have some jelly beans, which I didn't. But I should have, my tired legs needed the boost. LESSON LEARNED. As I passed the back of the Castlerosse hotel Assumpta and Joanie came up behind me and passed me, now remember the fork in the road uphill or downhill, the road to take was the downhill one I had added to my first journey, not by much but still what an eijit. I continued on, at this stage I have to say I had walked in patches but remarkably not as much as I thought I would. As I reached Brenda heading in to the last two miles, I felt heavy but I knew I could do it. I had to go out to the horses crossing and back in again. As I went out I met Michelle who was doing some of the run.  I was walking as I saw Susan heading towards me nearing the end of run. We ran on, at the horsescrossing I said goodbye to Michelle and wished her well she is doing the womens mini marathon on Monday. I was reciting my mantra all the way back, I met Liam I was smiling. I passed the children's playground and  I put myself into the highest gear my legs could find and ran to meet Brenda and Susan. I HAD DONE it wasn't pretty but I HAD DONE IT.
As I did my stretches my legs felt heavy.  I couldn't believe it a few months ago I was smoking 20 cigarettes a day I couldn't run 500m without coughing & spluttering. Thanks to Brenda and the support of the group  I had changed.
Its the day after and I drank plenty of water last night to get rid off the acid in my legs, so I have to say the legs aren't too bad. Now I have to a small twinge in my left knee but I mostly feel relief as I said at the start.
I am taking a rest day today and I'll get back to training tomorrow.

Friday, 31 May 2013

Mountains to climb

Well, went out training on Tuesday and seriously I was like a complete complete beginner. Just couldn't get into any rhythm at all was stopping and got a cramp. But I kept going as best as I could I know what a wall is I think I must have hit a few times at this stage. What I have learned is that you just have to keep plodding on. I'm determined to finish.
I was running the other evening, sweat flowing the sun beating down was lovely but John says to me you are a slow runner aren't you. He didn't mean anything by it, in fact it was the truth but I felt indignant, like I was the only one who say I was slow. The same evening I met someone who was running a half marathon for the first time who was aiming to do it in an hour and a half, when they asked how I was getting on I said "Fine".
Putting that day aside I have a big evening ahead of me the group will meet this evening to do a ten miler, I am going an hour earlier to start it, I aim to finish by hook or my crook. This evening will test my mind more than anything, so I thought I'd have a rant clear any negative thoughts and be in a good frame of mind.
I will do it, I will do it, I will do it!!!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Feeling haappppppy

I have to say Tuesday training was never my favourite session and that hasn't changed. My stop sign is still in the same place and as I ran up to it for the third time on Tuesday, I was once again mentally cursing it. But you know what I did it, of course I did because I can. I have to smile sometimes when I think about a session like Tuesday, some people are just naturally gifted and we have a few runners who fit that bill in our group. Liam is just a fast runner there is no slow gear he can't find it, Nora brought her dog with her the dog looked more worn out at the end of our session. But that is what makes the group great because everyone encourages everyone and there is always something to aspire to.
We got our program for the week and the biggest run on it was a 6 mile. Which I completed on Thursday, now I won't lie and say I ran every bit of every mile I didn't. But I ran the majority of it and you know what compared to what I could do I did well. So this week I have completed 18 miles in total. I find that now that mentally I'm not saying to myself you must run every bit I feel I am running better.
Ordered a new pair of Asics so they will arrive next week, so excited! No Jimmy Choos for me!
Sunday, I went into Killarney town to meet the runners who completed the great Irish Marathon 26 miles in 26 counties in 24 hours. Brenda was training the group  and had completed it herself. I have to say they all looked very fresh faced and they had fresh legs, as we ran the last mile with them. Susan, Mags and Aidan were also there, we ran up by the plaza hotel and finished at the Market Cross.
So I look forward to the week ahead.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Back to the group.

Well the alarm went off on Saturday morning and I hopped out of my cosy bed, to go running with the group. It felt good to have that focus again, I know it was only  few weeks but it felt so much longer. As we headed off I got into my own pace, slow but that's OK. Brenda has given me a beginners program so I can catch up a bit. so I must run/walk the distances. Which somehow in my head doesn't make them so daunting and when I push on I feel it'll be OK.  I also am trying to conquer my thoughts  when I am running and feeling good, the following thoughts start to enter my consciousness 'I am running, but will I be able to do it. Maybe I'll fail, Maybe it'll be dark before I finish' and then I lose my breath and feel panicked. It happens every now and again, so having expressed these fears to Brenda. She gave me the following words of wisdom 'Trust in what I have achieved so far and trust in her program to bring me over the line". I felt little lighter when I finished training on Saturday. I didn't go as far as the rest of the group but I felt good about the run I did do.
Have had my mind lighten my Brenda on Saturday, I headed on Sunday for a 5mile run/walk, which I did, mostly running. I was tired but felt totally high afterwards.
So with all that an e-mail arrived today to tell me there was 9 weeks left to the marathon!!!!!!

Thursday, 16 May 2013


Yes, I'm back able to run without pain, wincing or crying. So hopefully I will be able to regain any ability I have lost. Yesterday, I ran/walked over 4 and half miles in under 50 minutes which felt good. I ran a good share of it so I felt happy with it. I am heading to training on Saturday. As usual, I will be slow but after the last few weeks I don't mind at least I'll be moving.
I'll keep you updated on Saturdays run next week.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Still Out.

I know a blog is to write updates on the events that are happening well nothing is happening I am still not running. I am not very happy.
My injury wouldn't heal properly for the last few weeks but I feel this week I have turned a corner. I have no pain but I have a slight limp, which means they still won't let me run. My knee gets stiff and heavy but hopefully I will get sorted soon. The Run Killarney run group is now up to 8 mile run I was at 4/5 mile when I left, I am sooo far behind at this stage. I fear for my hard earned fitness. It makes me cry when I think about it.
By the way, I still haven't smoked, but I have really thought about it especially in the 1st week or so when I couldn't run or walk. But I have eaten more so I am getting fatter.
I have decided the following though, I will complete in the Run Killarney Half Marathon, whether I have to run, walk or crawl it. I won't give in.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Diagnosed and on the mend.

Well on Friday I attended the physio, my self diagnosis was wrong.
What I did have was injury to a ligament and tendon on the back outside part of my knee. . I laid out my story how I was doing my first half marathon, how I am not the fastest or most competent runner, how I really needed to train. After much poking, prodding and acupuncture, I was given exercises to do. I was not going to be running for a while. I then had to text Brenda and tell her that I wouldn't be able to take part in the running group for at least a week. I'll felt I was letting everyone down.  But it's better to be out now than be out with only a week or so to go.
I went back to physio on Tuesday and there was some good improvement, the pain Is now more localised.
I have decided to be optimistic & positive. I'm just hoping I won't be out too long. Going back on Friday.
I have a candle lit here as I write about my week, to offer up my prayers for all those who died or were hurt at the Boston Marathon.

Thursday, 11 April 2013


Sorry for the language but I am gutted, annoyed etc etc. Went for a run after work or should I say I attempted to go for a run. I just couldn't do it. My legs just wouldn't work. When, I put my leg down the pain was bad, I was limping as I ran. I looked ridiculous and was barely moving. I felt like throwing myself on the ground like a two year old having a tantrum, I wanted to cry and shout. Having diagnosed my niggle as an ITB band problem according to the internet, I am planning to go to the physiotherapist Darren Gaffney as soon as I can.
I was mad that I couldn't do my 4 miles. I am mad that my mileage isn't going to go up this week. I had a complete panic attack that I wouldn't be ready for the half marathon. Then I thought sod it all I might as well have a cigarette.
I didn't !
I calmed down and now I have fingers & toes crossed that this is only a temporary road block.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Allergies & Niggles & Really Running!

Well having done the Good Friday Run, my training has taken a bit of a knock. Easter Saturday I had a niggle in my right knee. I've tried to explain to my loved ones,  it feels as if someone gives you a kick into the side of your knee & your knee gives away. I have to ignore it as best I can which is becoming harder. Easter Saturday I also went to see the Ballybunion Half Marathon & 10K, John in my running group was taking part he finished in a great time. I find watching these runs gives me hope that I too will do it.
Having taken the weekend off, I was looking forward to running on Monday, but it was not meant to be. I woke up on Monday morning, covered in big red itchy blotchy patches, my eyes and lips were swollen. By Tuesday, it had not got better so I headed to the doctor, Severe Allergic reaction - anti- histamines and steroid cream prescribed, by Thursday I was on the road to recovery. (Still haven't found/figured out what I'm allergic to). So I headed out on a 4 mile run which I completed with out stopping, my breathing was OK but my knee was sore by the end of it.
On Saturday I had running with the group, as per usual I was last and slower because of my niggle but still I had completed another 4 miles. On Monday, I was to run 30 mins., I ran about 2 miles.  By Tuesday my niggle was sore, as I ran with my group, at the back of the pack, I just kept  thinking I must keep going, they were way ahead. This time as I ran I had tears in my eyes seriously it was exhausting more mentally than physically I have also resorted to not lifting my legs which seems to be my fall back stance. Brenda showed me plenty of stretches and exercises. Brenda gave me some great advice about treating my niggle and as I sit here typing having iced and treated it feels 'betterish'. Tomorrow will tell as I am down for a 4 mile run.
It seems only a few weeks ago when completing a mile without stopping was my greatest achievement and now listen to me 4 miles here 4 miles there. YEAHHHHH!!!! I'm doing it. Really running.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Good Friday Run Killarney

At training last Tuesday everyone seemed to be entering the Good Friday Run in Killarney so I decided to throw my hat into the ring too and I signed up on wednesday for the 5mile Run. After filling in the application form I felt sick to my stomach. Would I finish it was my concern. Everyone else was supportive and saying the right things. I visualised the route, I read somewhere this helps.

On the day I met Susan and we went to the Kerry Parents & Friends building in the Port road near the Cathedral and collected our race numbers. We also got a lovely egg cup as a memento of the run. As I pinned on my number on I thought to myself  'What am I doing? I must be mad? I'm not ready!' but regardless of these thoughts I made my way to the start line with Susan and Michelle beside me. 
It was a very cold evening and as I waited for the start I could see heads bopping in front of me as people tried to keep warm. And then I was off!

I had planned to take it easy find my comfortable pace which I have found recently when running. As we had lined up we were at the back and as we went off I found the pace quicker than my normal pace. I also found myself passing people out which would come back to bite. And yet it wasn't planned. I kept up this pace as I went up Mission road , Main st, High St and then I began to wane. People started to pass me out. I no longer could see  Susan, Michelle or anyone else I knew. As I passed the District Hospital for the first time Susan's godchild shouted hello to me. I gave him the thumbs up. As I came down onto the Port Rd, the top runners began to pass me by, they were racing each other to the finish line.  At the Cathedral the man said we had been running for 26 minutes. As I continued at my slow pace I gave in and walked a few steps. But then I began again muttering away to myself willing myself on. Going through the town centre put a pep in my step as I faced in to High St again  I felt quiet alone. I took some water which helped with my dry mouth, I think it was panic. Panic that I wouldn't finish, But, I continued on. Trudged on I suppose. I was next to a small group at this stage they were saying we were the last in the pack. Even though I had told myself I wouldn't mind I apparently did mind. I kept going on and arrived at the cathedral.  Some of those runners who had well finished at that stage buoyed me with their encouraging words. The man who said how long we were running for,  I couldn't make out what he said but he did say 700m. As I went up the Mission Rd, I slowed, stopped to catch a breath someone said you are nearly there I rallied.  As I came into Main St I pushed my legs forward and as I turned into New st and saw the finish line I ran as fast as I could. I crossed the line and my official time was 59.14 mins. I was not last and I had completed it in under an hour. Hells bells I had done it!!!

Susan and Michelle were both there, they had finished 3 &7 mins before me. So I wasn't so bad. Having done this run, I now know I have to work on pushing myself further and try to stop doubting myself. I am proud that I completed it and the time I did it in. As I said before I'll never win a race at the speed I travel at.  But the smile on the picture says it all (I'm on the right No 76)

Monday, 25 March 2013


Hey just a quick note to say congratulations to Susan and Michelle who completed their first 5K today. Well done to you both.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Making progress!

It's been a few weeks since I last blogged, in that time my running has improved and I turned 40 Uhhhh!
After 6 weeks with Brenda and the runkillarney training group my fitness had definitely improved.  As I faced into the next 6 weeks of training I wondered how much would change.
The Tuesday before st Patricks Day I was 40 I also had training. It was tough we were doing hill training and also for a bit of fun sprint relays. I wondered was I going to have a heart attack at the thought of it, but I didn't. My relay group included the fastest in our group, so I gritted my teeth and when I came up to run I put head down and ran as fast as I could, now I didn't win but I put up a good show. At the end of the session I felt good. The group gave me a lovely card & flowers.
We got our training programme for the week ahead and now I could see the real work would be starting. I had a 2 mile run which I completed on Thursday, it was the first time in my training programme that the word mile had appeared, it was completetly daunting to me. I left the house and I set off. Looking straight I listened to the sound of my feet on the road and my breathing. When I reached the 2 mile mark I felt a rush. I punched the air, thankfully my neighbours were not around to see me dancing in the middle of the road.
On Sunday, I did a 3 mile run through the national park in Killarney I took my time slow and steady. Having run 2 miles on Thursday I wasn't as stressed by this run. What I have found out is that I won't be the fastest but if I can do it at my own pace I might prevail.
I will prevail.
On 16th March I went to Tralee to watch the Tralee marathon as I watched the runners cross the finish line I was full of emotion for them.  I imagined how wonderful it must be to cross the line the culmination of weeks & months hard work just having just been achieved.  Of course those in our runkillarney group John, Paul & Geradina did remarkably well.

So as the title of this post infers I believe I am making progress.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Run Killarney

I thought having re-read my last post I should explain that I am taking part in the Run Killarney Half Marathon on 20 July 2013. For all the information on the the Gleneagle Run Killarney Marathon you can go to their website at they are also on twitter @runkillarney and on facebook.
So now when I mention Runkillarney you'll all know what I am talking about.
Maybe you'll sign up? Maybe we'll meet at the start line?

A few quick updates

Hi Sorry I haven't been on in a week. I just don't know where the time goes to.

Tuesday training was good, again I kept moving which I was happy with. Brenda also introduced Fartlek training. In our group of three Susan, Geraldine and I, someone said walk, then the other said jog & then another person said sprint. The kicker being that you had to continue until the person said stop, which is ok of you are walking but not so good if sprinting.  We cheered each other on.  I even managed to sprint. Geraldine is doing the half marathon in Tralee on 16th February so is very consistent and inspiring to those of us who haven't even run a 5K. When we reached the finish line (my dreaded STOP sign) Brenda said come on and I thought oh no we have to do it again, thankfully we were just doing our warm down.

In fact, I think that our group is quiet inspiring. I forgot to tell ye a few weeks ago one of our group Aidan headed off to climb Kilamanjaro. What an amazing achievement for him.

This week the weather has been all over the place dry, wet, cold, warm & as I write it is snowing outside. I will post a few pictures of the views I have seen as I am training.

As you can see from the pictures above The Run Killarney half marathon will definitely have one hell of a backdrop!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

It was a good Saturday

As usual we met in the Gleneagle Hotel carpark at 8.45 as usual, it is amazing that in a few short weeks  that getting up at 7.30 on saturday morning is now the norm.
Unlike usual Saturday mornings, we had a new route! After the high of Tuesday nights session, I felt really positive both mentally and physically.
I was ready to tackle whatever was in front of me.
So I left the carpark with the group and headed towards Killarney town, I put my glasses in my pocket and took up my place at the rear. But I felt good I found my pace and settled into it. I crossed the bridge over the Flesk river and headed for the traffic lights at the Top of the Muckross road. I kept running/jogging until I caught up with the group. AND I DIDN'T WALK. 
We were inside the National Park in Killarney, seriously we really dont appreciate how beautiful  the place we live in is. 
I headed down the long road as I call it. . Having got a cramp I slowed down and walked. But picked up the pace again.
As I mentioned Brenda had said we would be doing hill training and so we faced a hill. Which on the road from Molls Gap will be handy. Up we all went and down we all came a few times.
After all this we had to face the journey back to the Gleneagle. I said to Susan and Michelle how will we do it? How will I do it? As before, we  set off now this time I confess I slowed down. But,
as I headed into the carpark I felt good and I felt strong. I must be improved because Brenda told us we covered the following milleage - wait for it-  4 MILES.  Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
God what a difference five weeks make, little over a month ago I was huffing & puffing unable to do a minute without stopping shucks what a difference. The training during the week and the lack of nicotine is all helping.
I must post in my entry  for the RUN KILLARNEY HALF MARATHON this week. I'm feeling confident .

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

I did it! A Mile Completed.

Well people I did it a mile without stopping or walking, it was slow but I did it. YeahhHHHHH. This is how it happened.

Yesterday evening, we met in the carpark of the Gleneagle Hotel as usual. It had been a fabulous day, blue clear skies but chilly by 7p.m. yesterday evening it was cold. When we had all assembled we crossed the road and began with a jog down to a holiday village sign. I was going to be focussed this evening, I was going to find my pace, look straight ahead and not talk.  As usual I fell into my usual place at the back of the group but this time I felt strong, confident. As I joined the group to do stretches I felt good about myself. This feeling didn't last!
On the way back I kept feeling winded, winded isn't the right word either. I slowed down and gave into the temptation and walked. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. As the we stretched it out I felt annoyed and mad with myself.  I set off with Susan ahead of the rest of the group to complete a mile, I hadn't gone a quarter of the way when I gave into the temptation to walk. I had let myself down. I started running again and then walked. Susan pushed on with Assumpta and Michelle she was doing really well. As I finished, Brenda was encouraging. Everyone was heading off again for another run, I was hanging back. Brenda knew I wasn't happy, she told me to head off at my own pace, to remember what we had done the previous week, to slow it down when I felt like walking but to keep moving. At this stage I taken off my glasses so I couldn't focus on specifics in front of me.
I was determined and something just clicked in my head. I just looked straight ahead I could feel the rhythm in my legs. The cold was hitting my face even though I was warm my eyes were watering. What a state I must have looked.  I slowed down a few times, I wasn't going to be winning any time trials.  As I approached my dreaded STOP my group were there to cheer me on. I had done it, it may seem a small distance in the scheme of what we all hope to achieve but last night it meant alot, it meant I was progressing.
Brenda also handed back our food diaries with some comments on how to improve our diets. I am a bit of a coffee addict so I'll have to do something about that.  I'll have to try and drink more water i'll have to make it part of my routine as best I can.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

We are up to date.

Just a note, as of tonight this blog will be up to date.  Hopefully that will make it easier for you all to follow.

Will I do it?

I am seriously wondering will I be able for it.  I still have not  run a mile with any ease.  Any time I catch my breath or start to wheeze, I start to panic, and then my brain kicks in telling me to stop. I am off cigarettes 4 weeks  and the affect they have sickens me. I need a brain re-wiring I need to find that voice that others have that says 'keep going, you can do it'.
I looked at the route of the RUN KILLARNEY MARATHON. I am frightened and excited all at the same time. In these moments, I do believe I can complete my half marathon.
But God, on Tuesday night  I couldn't see it. Brenda is great she ran next to me encouraging me not to stop or walk but to keep running. I have to say the rest of the group are inspirational and as I watch them complete two miles after strugling a mile my admiration for them is high.
I will get there, won't I?
I find that the week goes quickly now. I also tend to go to bed earlier and wake earlier. The benefits of running and lack of nicotine. Michelle one of the girls in the group gave me Allen Carrs book about giving up smoking which I am reading.
Saturday came around all too soon, it's worse I'm getting. My whole body felt like lead. We did hill training which wasn't too bad. But I should probably relish that thought because I'm sure I won't be saying that again.

New Shoes

On Tuesday, Brenda had invited a physiotherapist to talk to us so there was no training and as the rain fell I was happy not to be out in it. The evening before I had gone for a walk after work and got soaked, so to escape that again would be lovely. Darren Gaffey, was the physiotherapist , the whole evening was very informative. At the end of talk, he had a look at my ankles. He told me what to do after a run ( or in my case jog/walk). He also advised me to invest in new running shoes.


And they are very comfortable. I am lifting my feet off the ground with them and the ache in my ankles is getting better. 
On the Saturday new trainers at the ready I felt confident as we headed off on our training session. Each week I feel I improve a little each week.  I find enjoy getting up in the morning and heading out to train.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Pain No Gain?

I entered my second week of training with a smile on my face. Full of hope that I would progress steadily. Which I felt I was. It really is amazing how a body reacts  when you give up nicotine, I didn't sound like a train as I jogged anymore. Now I still had trouble catching a breath sometimes but it would get better. I felt I was getting into my own stride.
Tuesday evening came around and I found myself looking forward to the training.  I jogged and walked a mile, stopping once or twice still coming in at the same position but it didn't feel as hard as it had before. I was heading for the STOP sign (AHHHHHH!!!) for the 1st mile the rest of my group were heading into their second, as they passed me by I thought some day soon that will be me. As the session came to a close I felt envigorated. 
The following morning I felt a stiffness in my ankles which persisted throughout the week and was annoyingly painful.
Since starting my training, my whole routine had changed I was more tired physically and I sleep a better sleep now.
Brenda had asked us to do a food diary for this week, which was going to a bit of a problem because I eat alot unhealthy non runner type foods.  The food thing was somethng to think about, I don't think I could run having eaten anything. Yet, for a run you needed fuel to carry you through it?  I suppose it will all come together,fingers, toes  etc.. crossed. I am rambling now.
As the week went on and my training continued , I ran nearly 10 mins without stopping. It doesn't sound alot does it but it was an achievement for me. I felt myself trying to eat healthier with the food diary to be written although unhealthy won out.
By Saturday morning, the stiffness and pain felt like two concrete blocks around my ankles.  Brenda had a look at my running style and I was extremely stiff. Not bending my knee enough, lifting my leg so all the pressure was on my ankles. Also, running shoes weren't ideal.  Brenda discussed everyones running style.  As runners pass me by now I look to see how they lift their legs of thr ground etc..
In fact, I think about running quiet alot these days.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Just A Note on this blog

Brenda and my running group encouraged me to write a blog about beginning to run and giving up cigarettes. It has taken me a few weeks and a bad day to take up that particular challenge. So I am here on a Saturday night filling in the last 3 weeks. So to those who may chose to read my rambles please have patience with me thanks.

Seriously I'm not having a heart attack!

Seriously I'm not having a heart attack! I said to myself as i ran on that Tuesday evening. I say ran but that really would be a stretch. It was more like a bit of a jog, a bit of a walk, a bit of oh my God why am I doing this!  The warm up was from the STOP sign to the holiday Village sign and back. Seriously! Every few steps my chest felt  tight and I couln't catch my breath. Brenda had spent some time explaining how important our breathing technique was when running and so here i was thinking & trying to breath  in through the nose out through the mouth.  My fellow runners seem alot fitter and able to push on than I.
We were put into pairs with other runners,  I was paired with Assumpta who couldn't pass the STOP sign until her partner i.e. ME passed it with her. I felt so bad as I knew I was holding her back. But like our group she encouraged me along. Brenda spoke encouragingly as I asked will I be able for the half marathon, saying there was plenty of time to get there. So in Brenda I trust.
I got my weekly training program. With great excitement Susan, Olivia and myself looked at our programs comparing them as we sat in McDonalds. I know I know but we were only having coffee. I swear. I eft them filled with great enthuasiasm for the week ahead. For the months ahead.
I had at this stage been off cigarettes for 3 days. I felt fine although my other half John might not agree.  I got up the following morning and set off on my training plan. I hadn't to run miles I had to jog and walk and intervals. At the end I felt great.
The week passed Saturday arrived, at 8.45 I set off on the training session. I went at my own pace which is slow but compared to the Saturday previous, I felt so much better. Each day is getting easier to move without the cigarettes. We jogged into the Killarney National Park, the air was crisp, the sky blue, I thought how lucky are we to have this on our doorsteps.
As we neared the STOP sign I felt happyish with my limited efforts.
I wondered if I would next week?

The Beginning of my change?

2013 is a big year I turn 40.  I think like most people I am not living the life I dreamed I would have at 18, I had goals which I would now never reach. But there were some which I could.  Two in particular were at the forefront of my now aging brain - GIVE UP SMOKING and RUN A HALF MARATHON.
As the Christmas decorations came down, I spied an advertisement for the Run Killarney Marathon in July 2013.  The organisers had arranged a meeting at the Gleneagle Hotel to give details with regards the three races they were holding on 20th July - 10km, half marathon & full marathon. They also wanted  to set up a running group.
On a dark evening in January, having talked my sister Susan and our mum into going with me, we listened intently to the organisers and Brenda Doody, a personal trainer and fitness expert who would lead the running  group. As I sat there listening, I had dreams of myself crossing a finishing line hands raised in triumph, so I signed up. As did Susan. I should at this stage, point out that I was still smoking 20 cigarettes a day and hadn't ran since I left National School, nearly 30 years ago. Was I MAD?
We met two weeks later on a Tuesday evening, Brenda outlined what our training would entail and introduced us to stretching pre and post run.  The group was made up of runners at all levels. The plan was to meet on the following Saturday morning at 8.45 am.
That morning I got up and with excitement I left the house. Arriving late the group was assembled in all their glory before me beaming faces which would become familiar over the weeks to follow.  As I crossed the road that morning I had no idea of the large wake up call I was about to receive. Brenda had to assess your running/ability level. Following stretches and a warm up jog, each us would run a mile which Brenda would time.
It went like this:- Stretching: ok not bad balance not hetic but so far so good. 
                            Warm Up: what the -------. Oh God this is the warm up i can only run a few paces with out stopping to catch a breath which is exceedling hard to do as my chest now sounds like a train. I think I'm in trouble.
                             The Mile: From the warm up you can guess where I came in. Its a position I will come familiar with as the weeks pass.
I pity Brenda what must she have thought as she saw me huffing and puffing come up to the STOP sign. ( This STOP sign is red one we see along the roads and I hated it that Saturday, I can't say I have grown much fonder of it but the hate has passed. I think!)

SUNDAY 27th JANUARY 2013 The first day of my new fit healthy life. I gave up cigarettes last night  after Saturday's  morning.  SO now my change has begun!