Friday, 12 January 2018

Back at it..

Sunday was a beautiful blue sky day and so seemed like the perfect day to head for a run.. They are digging up the road outside my house so I headed to the track. I should point out it hasn't stopped raining here since so glad I ran when I did.
I started with a steady 400m then 5 x 200m 10 x 100m finished once more with a 400m. Looked for a steady consistent pace which I found but the 100m winded me completely.. As anyone who has read this blog or knows me, I'm not a sprinter. I did push myself so there was a lot of heavy breathing between runs.. Gave myself short rest..
The final 400m was OK but I started to fast and tired quickly the finish was not pretty. Thankfully it was a blue sky day so that helped with my recovery.

Looking forward to getting out running again..

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

New Year new starts

It's been a while.. Where does time go? It doesn't seem that long ago since the Tralee 10K but it is. Having met up with the girls in September with great plans to run/walk regularly, Life got in the way and although I CrossFit regularly my running has become sporadic. We talked about the 10 mile run in Tralee in February but it's not being held this year so I'm aiming for the Run Killarney Half marathon this Summer.
It seems a bit away but my aim is to enjoy the experience of getting to the start line as well as the run itself..
The howling wind and rain outside doesn't fill me with a desire to put on my runners and head out but nevertheless I have to get a plan together..
I promise to keep you updated with a follow through on my first run of 2018 this year..
It will be this weekend 👌