Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Running pain free..yeah!!!

I haven't wanted to jinx it but I finally believe my shin splint hell is behind me (fingers, toes etc.. crossed)..  Having taken a complete break for most of October I started to get out again in November. Now I'm never going to break any speed records but I'm feeling much more comfortable when I run.
The weather was just perfect for running throughout the month of November.
But not always, one weekend myself and John headed to the track Sunglasses on hand as it was lovely when we left home but by the time we finished the rain was falling ...#irishweather

Mid lap selfies..

I've tried to run most Monday evenings the first few were not pretty
My breathing which is always a problem for me was shocking.. years of bad living and smoking take a toll. Also as it is November we had some cold crisp evenings which are fabulous to run in but can be hard on bad lungs after getting caught unable to catch my breath on one of my earlier runs I took to covering my face with a running neck cowl which really helped. I met up with Michelle and Mags on a few nights its harder to cancel or find an excuse not to run when you are meeting up with someone.
I started doing the lengths of the track into the National park by the Gleneagle Hotel slowing down and walking as I needed to and then just heading in towards town building up the mileage. Building the mileage isn't  really my biggest problem as I could push myself forward if I have to but its doing the mileage comfortably and consistently.. yes my favourite running word consistently. I know I can and have done a faster mile but then I can pop back to a slow/nearly walk mile oh frustration!! I am once more searching for a middle ground... My struggle for that elusive consistent pace continues...
Even though I have been running in the dark the view has changed alot over the month as the Christmas lights began to go up and have added an extra twinkle to each run..
Christmas lights make me smile..
The lights aren't the only things twinkling hi-viz is high fashion on these winter runs...
I'll be seen
In Crossfit I managed to conquer the BOX JUMP.. I am what my godson terms a 'scaredy cat' when it comes to anything vertical and throw in a jump and I break out in sweat.. In happened on a Friday evening I had been working at conquering the fear and I it is a genuine fear of missing the box hitting my head, getting the jump falling off hitting my head., hitting my head  plays a big role in this fear, why I really don't know! So I had taken on all the advice which was working and I had slowly built up the height using plates ignoring the box but soon or later I had to try and so I decided to give it a shot.. And after some much inner talk which no one needs to hear about it happened my legs left the floor and landed on the box..Woohoo!!  I left crossfit on a cloud, of course I fell down to earth fairly quickly when box jumps were in a WOD and the fear once more wono out.. But I did it so I will do it again..
Last weekend we did a great charity workout at Belieffit/Crossfit Killarney to raise money for Focus Ireland a homeless charity it was 300 rounds of 10 movements. It was great fun as we all partnered up, the music was pumping  and there was just a great buzz around especially as we were all looking forward to the Christmas shindig later that night..

Put on my Christmas t shirt for added fun...
I'm hoping the weather will be dry over the Christmas as now I have my running mojo back I hope to get out and about to get some nice runs done over the holidays. #christmasrunning..