Sunday, 25 September 2016

New routines..

I mentioned in a previous post I am I having trouble with my left shin it really is annoying at times although it hasn't stopped me running it certainly has curtailed it. That's not to say I haven't had any good runs I have. I have also thankfully not had to run in the rain lately with my sunglasses making an appearance once of twice.

blue skies blue tops...

Last weekend I did a 10K on Saturday morning. Mile 1 I was feeling a bit stiff,  my legs felt heavy but they soon remembered how to run.  It was a lovely crisp morning so great running weather. I felt the ache around the 3 mile mark and it was definitely there by mile 4. I stopped stretched a bit more and continued. I pushed on through and finished. I also managed tofit in a  run Monday, I did an easy 3 miles out around Muckross which was OK.

I haven't ran since so that I will be OK for the Lust for Life 5K next week which is on at 2 am in the morning.  I didn't realise what time it began when I signed up, so I don't know how I'll run at the time of the day. I should rephrase I have ran since Monday,  I did do some 200m at Crossfit they were worse than usual. I'm going to run in the next day or two and hopefully I should be good to go without any problems.
I haven't been sitting at home as I head out to Crossfit most evenings. I love reaching a new PR it gives you such a buzz... Although some evenings I have left defeated especially when burpees and wall balls are involved.  Burpees are just ughhh!! And when they're over bar burpees they include a jump which just causes me no end of panic. Jumping and I are not the best mix ,why I can't tell you or explain to you.. The wall ball is something which is sometimes there with some consistency sometimes not. The fact that both my hands and legs must move at the same time may be part of my wall ball problem and also it takes me time to figure out how far away from the wall I should be...
My post burpee look..sweatybetty
Each week I feel I improve a small bit in something what that thing is I sometimes can't say. I think over the last few weeks despite all the burpees done, the grip strength WOD was the toughest. I really felt the sting were I was told it would be ... Love getting stronger and seeing muscles coming through.

stronger than yesterday ..
This past weekend two teams headed up to one of the biggest competitions in the country for 'the filthy 150'. Along with Helen and John,  I was able to get up on Saturday to see our scaled team compete. Hats off to Caroline, David, Karen and Tim, they left it all on the floor. They were awesome! I loved watching the different waves and seeing how the different teams handled the Wods. Unfortunately I couldn't stay to see the Rx team do their stuff on Sunday but they did an amazing job not a bother to them Adam, Jacinta, Micheal and Sharon....#CROSSFITKILLARNEY
I bought myself a much needed gift on Saturday

The Calluses on my hands are no more!

Next weekend I head to Airport I would love to be heading on a plane but its to run I haven't run with John in a while so I am looking forward to that.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Happy strong..

Over the past few weeks I have found it hard to get back into a running routine. Although I have been enjoying the runs I have done. I haven't done many long runs as my legs and lower back have felt a bit achy especially after a longer run, I don't want to push on and do some damage. So I'm scaling back with the mileage for a while.
The sun has been out on one or two of my runs which makes for lovely running views but the humidity which has accompanied it has been UGHHH!!! Sweat in my eyes is a regular occurrence and the sting of it is unforgettable.
Shadow selfies ..
The best think about shadow selfies is my thighs don't look so big. Everyone has that body part which bugs them, for me that has been my thighs/saddlebags. Although less so now, it is still there but I have developed some appreciation for their thickness. They have carried me across a few finish lines and allowed me to squat and lift weight I never thought I could. I love that I can now feel muscle were once there was flab. They could still be leaner and so like the rest of me are a constant work in progress..
Running in the evenings has also allowed me to see the most fabulous skies as the sun sets. I love the different views that running gives me. I hope I never lose the ability to see beauty in a setting sun..

Picture perfect.

As I don't want to push on the mileage I have no long runs planned but I am doing the Lust for Life 5k on the runway at Cork airport which I'm looking forward to at the end of the month.

I find any over head movements at Crossfit trying. As the mobility in my upper body is not the best. Thankfully, it has improved because based on the recommendation of one of the girls at Crossfit I have being going to see someone who is massaging the hell out of the whole area. She believes my pectoral muscles are tight as are my lats which really limits the upper body mobility. I'm diligently doing the exercises I've been given but making them part of the daily routine will be the key. As with many things this is a lot easier said than done..
Most days I leave Crossfit a right sweatybetty. I have hit a few PRs over the last few weeks very excited and I am working furiously on that pull up. It still eludes me.... I do find the combination of running and weights in a WOD more difficult than other combinations. As a runner I'm a plodder, point me in a direction and I'll get there but not at speed.  But as with everything time, practise and the right attitude. My mind does hinder me sometimes (alot of times..) when I look at something and go hell no! Are you joking? I can't ask my body to move that way or lift that weight or worse combine the two. So I'm trying not to listen to that voice as much although forty odd years of conditioning makes for some interesting internal discussions..

My post Crossfit Crazy head ...
But what I'm truly loving at the moment is that at the end of each week I feel stronger..