Thursday, 28 April 2016

Taking control..

I've entitled this post 'taking control' and that's what I need to do. Of what, you maybe asking? Of what I put into my mouth is the answer. I've really let the nutrition side slide. I didn't take the losses I made in my weight and progress with it, instead I slipped back into old habits. I want to be a healthy person. Even though I run and do crossfit I am not as healthy as I could be. Of course there is also some or maybe even a lot of vanity I want to look good in my gym gear, to not worry about the jiggle of my 'gluteus maximus' as I run or squat and have thighs that don't have saddle bags attached to them. It isn't always about buying the right dress size etc.. I sometimes feel that I can't do a movement in Crossfit especially the gymnastics because I'm too large which when you consider the 1000's of people around the world who do these movements, is completely ridiculous. 
As I have been told the success to a healthy weight is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise, which is sometimes easy to forget. How easy it is to tell yourself you deserve the big cream bun after the hard workout or run. Now that's OK every now and again but lately the treats have becoming more routine and they have headed straight onto my saddle bags. 
And so, over the next few weeks I'm going to re-focus my eating habits.  Also as part of this renewal of fitness I am going to be doing some HIIT with Eric as part of the 4 week Body Shred Challenge, which couldn't have come at a better time for me.
Now don't get me wrong I haven't put an awful lot of weight back on but enough to make my jeans feel snug. It is easy to put your head in the sand, which I have done a few times, So this time I'm not going to, I'm going to get back on track and get to work.

So more funtimes ahead..

'It's good to have an end to journey to, but it is the journey that matters in the end'  
- Ernest Hemmingway

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Banna Beast Challenge 2016

Saturday morning arrived and having slept in I headed with out too much delay back to North Kerry. Susan and my parents came to lead the support crew and to enjoy the sea air. As we drove towards Banna, I could see a scrap of blue amid the grey sky. Arriving at the registration hotel,  I was all set for the adventure ahead.. Meeting up with Bernie, Michelle and Siobhan I had a much needed coffee, we put on our warpaint and headed towards the beach..

It was about a 10/15 minute walk down to the beach. As we arrived at the beach the second wave was heading out, we watched them warming up as the rain..

Some of us braved the elements, some of us didn't no names mentioned.. 

We were in the next wave so we headed to the holding pen. It was cold and damp by this time. I met Cyril from CrossfitKillarney, I was hoping my crossfit would help with the obstacles and I it did.  Someone shouted out various exercises in a warm up which included push ups in the wet sand, fun. They 1,2,3 and we were away, over the hay bales and a run across the sand to the first obstacle troughs and peaks. Our hands were fairly cold at this stage..

Next we headed up into the dunes, over a hay bale, under some netting  and then we hit our first set of monkey bars. They were wet and it was impossible to hang on.. Next up was an obstacle called the 'hangover cure' were you had to hang on with your arms while going from one step to another. Done! Next up was the bouncing castle which was fun in itself. We headed into the dunes under the nets one after each other like a well rehearsed troop. We then met our first fence and with a leg up I was over. After a bit of  run we had to climb up over scaffolding covered in netting, I was a bit shaky about this one as I am not great with heights. But through the encouragement and direction of the other girls I got it done. That was a real buzz,  a fear conquered and deserved a group hug, which it got. Over some tyres, through some tyres and then onto the beach again

Then there were more round bales to go over. I pulled myself over without to much bother. We then had a run a long the beach which is an obstacle in itself. Running on the beach really works the legs. At the half way mark, we headed into the dunes once more. The fun part of doing a course like this is that its not a race, there's no clock so you can slow down when you need or you take a moment to take in the fabulous view.

I am trying to remember the obstacles and the order they came in, I think generally I have them covered.
Next up was the marshy watery part of the course. Which wasn't bad until we had to wade into dark black rank smelling water, to get on to the next obstacle which was to hang upside down on more bars.. I went along the side hanging on the bars upright.

My smile says how much fun we were having..
Climbing over the plastic tubing,  we then had to run in wet squelchy runners. Ughhh..  Even at that I was really enjoying the experience. We then ran on for a while, before long I could see Susan in the distance so I knew we were nearly back at the beach.

Next up were the Monkey bars moving across them offered much laughter
Hanging round
We then had to on up a sand dune, down the sand dune, through the tyre pit and up the highest sand dune..a great workout for the quads and gluteous maximus.

Then down onto the beach, through the plastic tubing. WHAT!!!  I bent down, started and said no no not for me but the girls urged me to give it another go, which I did and as I crawled through the reasonably short tube, I heard everyone urging me forward. Done! There was only one or two more obstacles left, down on my belly I had to crawl through puddles under logs and then more running/walking along the beach. Next up over a fence

Climbing these fences etc.. may not seem too tough to some but I a year ago I wouldn't have enough upper body strength to carry me over. And then through some more tyres,

and then the final obstacle the 'Half pipes from Hell'. After an an attempt or two in some cases, Bernie was first to make it up, then Michelle, then Siobhan and then I nearly made it up.
I was there I left go and down onto my foot. I got up though and after a few minutes thought I was OK. I was disappointed, it was the only obstacle I hadn't completed I wanted to try again only my support crew wouldn't let me.

All blinged up..
To reflect on the Banna Beast Challenge it really was great fun, you need a group that you can be silly with and have a laugh with me. I will definitely sign up again for next year. And I will conquer the 'half pipes of hell'.

High on adrenaline ...
On a side note my little mishap at the end resulted in a Saturday evening spent in the A&E. A suspected fracture which turned out to be damaged ligaments means I'm out of action for a week or two. I am now sporting  a very fashionable black boot..

Sunday, 3 April 2016

The 2016 Crossfit Open and I...

I haven't done much running this week. I had to give my leg a rest. I  did go to Crossfit which held no pressure this week as the open was over. I began Crossfit last autumn and quickly it has become an essential part of my weekly routine.  
Over the last five weeks I took part in the Crossfit Open, this a worldwide event open to all crossfitters, each week a workout is done and your score is ranked. For most people who crossfit this is were it ends, for the fittest their aim is to get to the Crossfit games (kinda like the Crossfit Olympics!) here they will be crowned the fitness man,woman,teenager or team. Each workout is announced on the Thursday night (Pacific Time) via the internet, thursday nights over the open meant little sleep as I anxiously waited to find out what the workout would be. Friday mornings meant looking at the announcement fretting, it also meant watching my favourite part of the announcement the Ro vs Boz match up. #TeamRo all the way..
Why did I sign up? This was the question that whirled around my head on Friday 26th February. But I had and there was nothing to do only turn up and get on with it. Which I did. I was just delighted that first night to have it done. 
The main memory that I took from the first night which stayed and kept me going throughout the open was the camaraderie of my fellow competitors, the encouragement of those who supported us and the unwavering support of our coach Eric.
The first two weeks passed, I was happy enough but 16.3 nearly broke me. The workout was 10 power snatches at 35lb and 5 jumping chest to bar pull ups a 7 min AMRAP (as many reps as possible), as the clock started I did the 10 power snatches and then headed to the bar. And here I stayed, trying to get 1 jumping chest to bar pull up for the next 6 or so minutes. It was excruciating.   I cheered those around me as they achieved a full bar muscle up. I kept trying but I have to say I felt some relief when the clock went. I left that evening and went home and cried.  I know, I know, what a wuss!! But I was disappointed in myself that I just couldn't get it! 
The following week I was determined to put 16.3 behind me and give 16.4 a good go. I did OK. I got through, the 55 deadlifts, 55 wallballs and 44 calories on the rower. The wallballs wore me out. But I ended the workout smiling. 

I just love this photo (picture courtesy ewelina downey)

The last workout was for time and it was going to be a tough one. It was 21 thrusters 21 burpees, 18 thrusters 18 burpees, 15 thrusters 15 burpees, 12 thrusters 12 burpees, 9 thrusters 9 burpees, 6 thrusters 6 burpees, 3 thrusters and 3 burpees. It looks horrible in black and white and it was horrible. Burpees, I thought they were done with in 16.1.

Eric suggested to start off steady and if you can give it everything at the end, which I tried to do. It was a pure grind. The support of those cheering me on definitely got me to the end of this one. This is the workout that  caused my knees so much pain. (Thankfully, arnica and deep heat eased the bruising and tenderness.)
What did I learn over the five weeks:- 
my fellow crossfitters are an amazing bunch of people, who can raise you up even beyond what you think you can do yourself
I could have pushed myself further on some of the workouts 
I am determined to get better and do better over the next year
As I improve at Crossfit I know that my running will improve, which I look forward to. It already has improved my endurance as a runner as well as strengthen my legs. My hopes for the 2017 Crossfit Open would be that I complete each workout well and there are NO BURPEES!!