Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Running pain free..yeah!!!

I haven't wanted to jinx it but I finally believe my shin splint hell is behind me (fingers, toes etc.. crossed)..  Having taken a complete break for most of October I started to get out again in November. Now I'm never going to break any speed records but I'm feeling much more comfortable when I run.
The weather was just perfect for running throughout the month of November.
But not always, one weekend myself and John headed to the track Sunglasses on hand as it was lovely when we left home but by the time we finished the rain was falling ...#irishweather

Mid lap selfies..

I've tried to run most Monday evenings the first few were not pretty
My breathing which is always a problem for me was shocking.. years of bad living and smoking take a toll. Also as it is November we had some cold crisp evenings which are fabulous to run in but can be hard on bad lungs after getting caught unable to catch my breath on one of my earlier runs I took to covering my face with a running neck cowl which really helped. I met up with Michelle and Mags on a few nights its harder to cancel or find an excuse not to run when you are meeting up with someone.
I started doing the lengths of the track into the National park by the Gleneagle Hotel slowing down and walking as I needed to and then just heading in towards town building up the mileage. Building the mileage isn't  really my biggest problem as I could push myself forward if I have to but its doing the mileage comfortably and consistently.. yes my favourite running word consistently. I know I can and have done a faster mile but then I can pop back to a slow/nearly walk mile oh frustration!! I am once more searching for a middle ground... My struggle for that elusive consistent pace continues...
Even though I have been running in the dark the view has changed alot over the month as the Christmas lights began to go up and have added an extra twinkle to each run..
Christmas lights make me smile..
The lights aren't the only things twinkling hi-viz is high fashion on these winter runs...
I'll be seen
In Crossfit I managed to conquer the BOX JUMP.. I am what my godson terms a 'scaredy cat' when it comes to anything vertical and throw in a jump and I break out in sweat.. In happened on a Friday evening I had been working at conquering the fear and I it is a genuine fear of missing the box hitting my head, getting the jump falling off hitting my head., hitting my head  plays a big role in this fear, why I really don't know! So I had taken on all the advice which was working and I had slowly built up the height using plates ignoring the box but soon or later I had to try and so I decided to give it a shot.. And after some much inner talk which no one needs to hear about it happened my legs left the floor and landed on the box..Woohoo!!  I left crossfit on a cloud, of course I fell down to earth fairly quickly when box jumps were in a WOD and the fear once more wono out.. But I did it so I will do it again..
Last weekend we did a great charity workout at Belieffit/Crossfit Killarney to raise money for Focus Ireland a homeless charity it was 300 rounds of 10 movements. It was great fun as we all partnered up, the music was pumping  and there was just a great buzz around especially as we were all looking forward to the Christmas shindig later that night..

Put on my Christmas t shirt for added fun...
I'm hoping the weather will be dry over the Christmas as now I have my running mojo back I hope to get out and about to get some nice runs done over the holidays. #christmasrunning..

Friday, 21 October 2016

Setting goals....

Setting goals is usually done at the start of the year for the year ahead but I've decided to put down a list of my long term goals..
I haven't been running lately (shinsplint hell...) Although I did run at Crossfit during the week and my shins held up,  no pain, progress yeah!!
So goal setting where do I start, I have so many...should they be realistic or not? how long is longterm? Are they goals or dreams?  I'll just list them and see what happens....

Run a marathon just to cross the finishline...
Pull ups of anykind...
A Handstand
100kg deadlift
Run a 2.15 half marathon
80kg Backsquat
Run a 10k/half marathon or marathon outside of Ireland
Conquer the snatch..
Do a hero Wod like Murph and finish it before everyone goes home...
Go to the Crossfit games
Meet Rich Froning because his the champ and seems like a nice guy. I loved his book...
Meet the all the Dottirs.. (met Annie only Katrin, Sara and Thuri to go..)
Sam Briggs because it's Sam Briggs
Hang out with Brooke Ence
Go to Iceland to see the Northern lights and see where the Dottirs train..
Go to watch one of the big marathons; New York, Chicago, London, Boston, Berlin...
Run a sub 30 min 5k
Conquer the Double under..

So there are some of the goals more pragmatic and reachable but some more are decidedly dream like..
Stay tuned I let ye know as I reach them, hopefully it won't be too long before I can start crossing them off my list...

Monday, 10 October 2016

A Lust for Life Cork airport 5k

The first day of the month saw John and I heading to Cork to take part in the airport runway 5K for a Lust for Life. To find out about this great movement check out The run was to begin at 2am after the last flights had arrived, I have never run this early so didn't know what to expect.  It had been showery all day and in the early part of the evening but as we headed to Cork the rain was holding off . As with all runs what you wear plays a big part in how you feel during the run, as it was on in the early hours of the morning and it can be windy there, the advice was to wrap up. Now anyone who has read this blog or knows me knows that I am a #sweatybetty, so wrapping up wasn't an option for me, I did layer up a light tank top with longish sleeve top over it.

Selfie fun.
The Airport provided free car parking to all those taking part we had to be at the airport before half twelve to get our race packs. As we entered the terminal there was a great sense of excitement in the air. We had found a phone in the carpark and handed into customer service someone had already come in search of it hopefully they have been reunited.. There was music playing, people were in the cafes getting a blast of caffeine and there were some girls at one of the doors dancing literally non stop, I saw them later during the run they hadn't worn themselves out. We headed to a designated check in to collect our numbers and we also recived a lovely t shirt which John added to his many layers...

As we were running on the runway we couldn't bring anything onto it with us, no water bottles which was a  bit disconcertaining to me as I carry water on most runs also any extra bags/jackets etc.. I had a small bag in which I put the t shirt I had received,  John had zipped pockets in his shorts in which he kept the car keys so while we were in the terminal I sipped on water and after a while John took the bag out to the car. 
Then all we could do was wait and as the time went on even though I was excited  I found myself yawning a bit too often. Its long day waiting to run at two in the morning. We sat, we moved around and stretched. There was a lovely gentleman playing the piano which kept us entertained.  I also tried to hold off going to the bathroom for as long as I could because like any run the queues were big needless to say here was no queue for the mens.. As the time neared 2 am  you could feel the restlessness in the air and then suddenly we were being directed outside towards the start area.

Runway bound but not for a flight..
At the start area it was separated into different sections under 25min, 25min plus, Joggers/walkers  we headed into the 25min plus area, there was music blasting on a truck ahead of us and we were all  put  through a mass warm up.. Bressie (@nbrez) said a few words he is one of  the founders of Lust for Life. And then after some Happy Birthday wishes to Lust for a life which was celebrating its 1st birthday, we were led out on to the runway. You could feel the temperature drop and the fog was down, we walked on and after a quick rule check no dispensing of clothers or anything else on the runway, soon enough we heard the run start,  as we were in the middle we could see the lead runners sprinting off into the fog. We crossed the start it took a while to adjust to running into the fog in the dark.
We started off well a good even pace I was running well enough. John was feeling the heat not long into it, even though it was foggy and cool it didn't warrant the layers John had on... After the first mile we decided to run to each of the large lights that were set up every so often and we stretched it out to every second light.  Also along the route were stewards who offered words of encouragement, they were great fun.  The route was an in and out route. So as we were heading out the lead runners were coming back, everyone cheered them on. Spirits were high by everyone and I was feeling great when I turned the corner to head back. There is something so eerie about running in the fog at night with intermittant light but it was so Cool!!!  The last mile was by far our slowest the heat lack of training and shin splints hadn't help our pace as the run went on. From a kilometre out we could here the announcer at the finish line wanting to finish strong we powered on.
We crossed the line I have to say I felt great my partner in crime didn't feel the same...
After we finished we headed back into the airport terminal where we were given a goody bag much needed water, banana and yoghurt. It was early morning before we reached home tired but still high from our runners buzz. It will be my last run for a few weeks, I finally have to give in and not run through my shin splint pain as I have been doing because I want to clear  them up and be able to run pain free.
The VHI Lust for life Cork Airport 5K isn't the biggest run I have ever done but the time of day, the fog, the people, John, everyone there to support a great movement, it gave me the greatest sense of satisfaction crossing the finish line

Sunday, 25 September 2016

New routines..

I mentioned in a previous post I am I having trouble with my left shin it really is annoying at times although it hasn't stopped me running it certainly has curtailed it. That's not to say I haven't had any good runs I have. I have also thankfully not had to run in the rain lately with my sunglasses making an appearance once of twice.

blue skies blue tops...

Last weekend I did a 10K on Saturday morning. Mile 1 I was feeling a bit stiff,  my legs felt heavy but they soon remembered how to run.  It was a lovely crisp morning so great running weather. I felt the ache around the 3 mile mark and it was definitely there by mile 4. I stopped stretched a bit more and continued. I pushed on through and finished. I also managed tofit in a  run Monday, I did an easy 3 miles out around Muckross which was OK.

I haven't ran since so that I will be OK for the Lust for Life 5K next week which is on at 2 am in the morning.  I didn't realise what time it began when I signed up, so I don't know how I'll run at the time of the day. I should rephrase I have ran since Monday,  I did do some 200m at Crossfit they were worse than usual. I'm going to run in the next day or two and hopefully I should be good to go without any problems.
I haven't been sitting at home as I head out to Crossfit most evenings. I love reaching a new PR it gives you such a buzz... Although some evenings I have left defeated especially when burpees and wall balls are involved.  Burpees are just ughhh!! And when they're over bar burpees they include a jump which just causes me no end of panic. Jumping and I are not the best mix ,why I can't tell you or explain to you.. The wall ball is something which is sometimes there with some consistency sometimes not. The fact that both my hands and legs must move at the same time may be part of my wall ball problem and also it takes me time to figure out how far away from the wall I should be...
My post burpee look..sweatybetty
Each week I feel I improve a small bit in something what that thing is I sometimes can't say. I think over the last few weeks despite all the burpees done, the grip strength WOD was the toughest. I really felt the sting were I was told it would be ... Love getting stronger and seeing muscles coming through.

stronger than yesterday ..
This past weekend two teams headed up to one of the biggest competitions in the country for 'the filthy 150'. Along with Helen and John,  I was able to get up on Saturday to see our scaled team compete. Hats off to Caroline, David, Karen and Tim, they left it all on the floor. They were awesome! I loved watching the different waves and seeing how the different teams handled the Wods. Unfortunately I couldn't stay to see the Rx team do their stuff on Sunday but they did an amazing job not a bother to them Adam, Jacinta, Micheal and Sharon....#CROSSFITKILLARNEY
I bought myself a much needed gift on Saturday

The Calluses on my hands are no more!

Next weekend I head to Airport I would love to be heading on a plane but its to run I haven't run with John in a while so I am looking forward to that.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Happy strong..

Over the past few weeks I have found it hard to get back into a running routine. Although I have been enjoying the runs I have done. I haven't done many long runs as my legs and lower back have felt a bit achy especially after a longer run, I don't want to push on and do some damage. So I'm scaling back with the mileage for a while.
The sun has been out on one or two of my runs which makes for lovely running views but the humidity which has accompanied it has been UGHHH!!! Sweat in my eyes is a regular occurrence and the sting of it is unforgettable.
Shadow selfies ..
The best think about shadow selfies is my thighs don't look so big. Everyone has that body part which bugs them, for me that has been my thighs/saddlebags. Although less so now, it is still there but I have developed some appreciation for their thickness. They have carried me across a few finish lines and allowed me to squat and lift weight I never thought I could. I love that I can now feel muscle were once there was flab. They could still be leaner and so like the rest of me are a constant work in progress..
Running in the evenings has also allowed me to see the most fabulous skies as the sun sets. I love the different views that running gives me. I hope I never lose the ability to see beauty in a setting sun..

Picture perfect.

As I don't want to push on the mileage I have no long runs planned but I am doing the Lust for Life 5k on the runway at Cork airport which I'm looking forward to at the end of the month.

I find any over head movements at Crossfit trying. As the mobility in my upper body is not the best. Thankfully, it has improved because based on the recommendation of one of the girls at Crossfit I have being going to see someone who is massaging the hell out of the whole area. She believes my pectoral muscles are tight as are my lats which really limits the upper body mobility. I'm diligently doing the exercises I've been given but making them part of the daily routine will be the key. As with many things this is a lot easier said than done..
Most days I leave Crossfit a right sweatybetty. I have hit a few PRs over the last few weeks very excited and I am working furiously on that pull up. It still eludes me.... I do find the combination of running and weights in a WOD more difficult than other combinations. As a runner I'm a plodder, point me in a direction and I'll get there but not at speed.  But as with everything time, practise and the right attitude. My mind does hinder me sometimes (alot of times..) when I look at something and go hell no! Are you joking? I can't ask my body to move that way or lift that weight or worse combine the two. So I'm trying not to listen to that voice as much although forty odd years of conditioning makes for some interesting internal discussions..

My post Crossfit Crazy head ...
But what I'm truly loving at the moment is that at the end of each week I feel stronger..

Monday, 15 August 2016

Every picture tells a story...

Life is fast! Like none of you knew that, I often wake up on a Monday morning asking myself where the previous week has gone. I find it happens more so during the Summer months. Peoples schedules are vastly different, household routines go out the window and any plans must be flexible as we all wait for a real sun shining, high temperature, beach day every day Summer to arrive. Well we are half way through August, the last month of our Irish Summer (I know its officially Autumn but schools out so it's still Summer here) and there have been very few beach days, that's not to say we haven't had glimpses, an odd day here or there, which I have tried to take advantage of, not by heading to the beach but by putting in a mile or two.
Its easier to head out the door to Crossfit as your meeting up with others, it's more social bar Monday when I meet the group I'm usually running with me myself and I. And I can talk myself out of a run without too much argument. But I do have some regret later and so I try not to do it often. With this in mind I headed for a run on the August Bank Holiday, there was soft drizzle as I started it soon turned into a constant deluge. I kept going as I was soaked through I tried to quicken my pace which became harder as runners began to squelch..ughhh!!! The rain was constantly in my eyes. It wasn't cold in fact it was warm so the sweat began to flow as well. The thought of a hot shower and a cup of coffee kept me moving forward at pace. There was a river of water developing on the road beside me and I had to push in from the traffic as the splash back was just too much. The running itself was the best part of the experience. Finally I was done. It was one of my quicker 5 milers but it was miserable...
Crossfit has been the one constant over the last few weeks having watched the Crossfit games I was inspired to try and do better. But ye know that saying 'one step forward two steps back' I have felt that about my Crossfit. I'm there doing the WOD, AMRAP, EMOM in my head I think I'm killing it. I'm trying to channel Briggs or one of the Dottirs but my coach Eric comes over to point out that I'm not positioned correctly etc... which is what because I want to do the movements correctly and I don't want to injure myself due to sloppy technique,but I feel of late he is wearing a path in the mats towards me. Patience is a coaches best tool thankfully he has a lot.  But that's my two steps back my one step forward, no I haven't conquered the pull up (Some day, a girl can dream!!) but I can stay on the bar for longer than a second and I have throw some shapes at a  hollow and arch. Small victories to some are big victories to others and I'll take any that come my way.
Pale faced or red faced but always drenched in sweat...

The weather has been humid for the last few months and I'm just a complete #sweatybetty. So I decided to invest in some tank and racer back tops. I still don't feel completely comfortable letting my arms loose to the elements and the public while I workout. My 'bingo wings' not as big as they were but are still there and my muscles are a work in progress. But like everything a minute or two in to the workout and my only thought is to survive whatever  is up on the board.

I had a great run during the past week strangely enough it was also raining. My legs felt good and the miles passed away quickly. The rain soon faded to mist and drizzle. I always wear a hi viz running vest when using the main roads and as the mist settled in I was thankful for it. I was delighted with my run, there is nothing better than that feeling that you could run and run that your legs feel strong enough to keep going. I finished the run smiling because I really had enjoyed the run  from the first step to the last.

I'd love to say I have enjoyed every run as much as that run but I can't lie to ye. One such run was Sundays Track session. Saturday, I met up with the girls from my running group for a much needed Summer catch up, I headed out to dinner all high heels, skirts and make up wishing I could head out in my sweats. I had a great night all though I must be getting old as I couldn't handle the pace and bailed out early. So after a lazy start to my Sunday, I watched the women's Olympic marathon, inspired by these strong women I headed to the track. I have used different workouts before but today I used one off the 'aerobiccapacity' website which included the 8 x 100m, 4 x 200m and 3 x 300m sprints. Speed is not a strength so no amount of inspiration was able to lesson the pain of track Sunday.
Saturday night/Sunday evening
Every picture tells a story and I'm looking forward to the new photos I'll take and more importantly the experiences behind them.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Littlewood Ireland Blog Awards 2016

Trumpet fanfare please...

'Turning 40 so let's run' has made the long list for the Littlewoods Ireland Blog Award under the 'Health and Well being blog' category. This just so cool.  It's listed with some of the most entertaining and informative blogs. I am blown away.

To make any this list is great but It would be lovely to make the short list.  Aim high!!

This nomination makes me  look back at where this blog and I started, I have  come along way. A few years back, a mile was a trek and barbells were for the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger..

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog over the past few years and I'm looking forward to the adventures ahead..

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Run Killarney Half Marathon 2016

As with many of these runs the day began with an early start, a quick bite and a cup of tea, I loaded the car with all the stuff I might need for the day ahead.  As usual I used very little of what I packed. I collected a few fellow half marathoners Marie and her friend Lucy, Lucy had just arrived from Australia a few days earlier and we headed over to the Gleneagle Hotel. As I pulled into the car park I spotted Bernie. The main aim after parking the car was to make a mad dash for toilet which I promptly did. Now the weather wasn't to bad it was damp but dry and not too cold so nothing that gave us cause for any worry at that stage. To get to the start line we headed to the buses which took us through the route we would be running later. Thoughts going through my head at this stage;  'It seems along way even on a bus. Am I crazy? I should be in bed...'
Bus selfie..
As we reached the start at Molls Gap the weather appeared to be closing in. During the next 13.1 miles we would get a few heavy rain showers.

We were milling around and I was to meet up with Helen from Crossfit who was running her first half marathon. Helen had come up with Eilish from Crossfit and Mum who were power walking it.
First half and no problem to her #strongwoman
As you can see I wore my sunglasses in hope that the sun would come out which it did later on in the day.  There was plenty of people I knew milling around there seemed to be a lot of runners and many looked like serious competitors. We met up with Marie and Lucy again. We discussed the glamorous side of running; queueing for portaloos and finding places to pee.. Not long after, we met David and TJ from Crossfit they were also doing the run. We discussed running tactics, the finer points of Thursdays Crossfit Double Helen plus some (Pyramid style) and the lack of our preparedness for the run we were about to do (which was not evident in the times they did).  Everyone was in good spirits . We had done a bit of a run to warm up the muscles and stretched so all that was left to do was get started. As we all headed to start line I wished everyone a great run and said I see them at the Finish.
Well MY HALF MARATHON, how can I find the words to describe the roller coaster that it was.. We crossed the start the start and I took off faster than I should have. I was stopping and starting too often (even for me) I just couldn't get my run together. Which would have been OK if it was just me plodding along but Helen was beside me . The 2:10 pacer passed us and he was doing a great job joking and keeping spirits up so Helen set off with that group and I tried to settle in to a some kind of run..
Which after a while, I did I even began to enjoy myself. As I have always said the views are just fabulous and there's always runners stopping to take photos. As we all know I'm a real sweatybetty it was quiet humid for the first few miles and as we ran the 'midges' (a small biting fly) were out in force. I must have swallowed a good few and I  had a good few stuck to me as I crossed the line. Oh, the Glamour! 
I kept the 2:10 pacer in my sights for a good while but as they ran out of the reach of my legs I kept my focus on a few runners as used them as as my own little pacer group.
As usual I got my 8 mile itch and had my usual mental collapse and utter lack of faith in my own abilities although this year it did stretch on for a few more miles than I would have liked.  Now those of delicate nature may want to skip the next few lines.  I also spent this half marathon looking for the loo. I had woken yesterday morning to the arrival my period. There are times when it won't bother me but just like Murphy's law this wasn't going to be one of them them. I had a dull ache in my lower back for the majority of the run. I stopped and stretched my back out a few times. I felt at times I  couldn't run but I power walked when I had to and moved forward.  The route deviated from last years and It was lovely to come down by Muckross Abbey. As I headed towards the finish line I tried to muster a bit of oomph.. none arrived. I finished, I crossed the line. At the start line I was hoping for a 2:30 finish I crossed the line in 2:35 which I was happy with.

Never never will I look good in a running picture..
I headed across the road to collect my medal an t-shirt, where I met David and TJ who looked none the worse for running 13.1 miles they told me how great Helen had done. #CrossfitKillarney. I was quickly surrounded by my fabulous friends and family, it is always important to have a good cheer squad and I have one of the best, although a few cheering yesterday hopefully will be back to their running ways next year.

Cheer squad.. (missing from pic is my Dad and Anna )
I was delighted to see Bernie at the finish line, she had run a good half marathon.  We had once more survived or should I say run the Run Killarney Half. This is our 4th year doing this half marathon together..

After my Mum had come in after finishing the 10K we headed across the road for coffee, a hot dog and some chat. I also met Yvonne O Sullivan a big Kerry GAA supporter and a fellow runner who completed the 10K,  next year she's going to aim for the half marathon. The announcer said this year for the first time there was more women than men competing.. #STRONGWOMEN.
I finally caught up with Helen, she did an amazing run for her first half marathon. Not a bother to her...

The rest of day was filled with good food, laughter, good friends and fun places..

Hanging with the girls and Gollum in the Shire (bar in Killarney)
To recap , on my previous post I asked was I half marathon ready, reflecting on it today I think another longer run over the last few weeks may have helped. I didn't hit a half marathon PB but despite my second half slowdown I wasn't far off the time I had aimed for. So next year, I'll aim for that new PB!!  As usual around mile 10/11 I was never doing another half marathon again but as usual this morning here I am thinking about next years run. The big difference I feel this year is a physical one, today I have no aches, no pains or stiff legs, I feel completely fine.
It wasn't the Morgan Freeman narrated run I was hoping for but he did make guest appearances so I'm hopeful for the next Run Killarney Half marathon.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Am I half marathon ready??

The best answer I can offer is I hope so. I have been putting in the miles but compared to this time last year probably not enough. But I won't panic Yet! Maybe around mile 8... #touchwood.
Over the past few weeks I have had some lovely blue sky runs. There is nothing better, everywhere looks fabulous and as long as it's not too hot and muggy the run is always good. I find I smile more and everyone you meet is smiling too. Although a run in the rain can be good too living in Ireland we're more used to the latter.

I've been making friends with the local wildlife too as last Sunday I ran into a swarm of bees. They weren't interested in me thankfully preferring to fly in large circle but my pace quickened significantly so they wouldn't get the chance. On another run I ran into wildlife of a more woolly kind...
Only in Ireland...
I feel my legs are definitely stronger than last year which is as a result of better running and Crossfit. I have Crossfitters thighs,  although mine were big long before I found Crossfit but were way more flabby than they are now. As the Crossfit games are on in California this week I'll be distracting myself from the half marathon by watching the athletes do their stuff online especially the ladies #strongwomen. Also I'll make sure to take on some extra fluid.
Over the last few years the Runkillarney half marathon has become a regular part of my running year. As I love a good view the scenery on this half marathon is truly stunning which is always a plus when I run.
The Lakes of Killarney

I'm hoping to finish strong  by which I mean I finish smiling with no aches. Other than that my only plan for my run is to cross the finish line and collect my bling...

Friday, 1 July 2016

Putting in the miles..

I have just been trying to get out as often as I can to run. The half marathon is at the end of July so I have been trying to put the miles on my legs. The weather has not been co operating with me especially when I have planned any kind of long run its either humid and clammy or wet, windy and humid. I am a real #sweatybetty these days.
About two weeks ago on a Sunday morning I headed out for a steady 10 mile run. As I set out the mist descended and very soon the rain fell but worse than that the wind picked up. The first couple of miles was a battle against the elements running into wind it was just URGHHHH!!! There were also a few climbs but I kept moving.

A dark dreary slog uphill

Glimpses of good weather?
I had a bit of a wobble in my own head I thought its too wet, the hills, the wind is making this hard, I'm too slow but unlike other times when I've left my mind wreck my run I pushed on. I was running at a steady pace. The rain was heavy I was completely soaked, thankfully I was wearing my
Gore-tex asics which saved my feet as best they could but the rain was so heavy my feet were squelching in my asics by the end of my run. (Living and running in Ireland Gore-Tex runners are an essential).

I thought at one stage it was going to clear up but it was not to be. The showers were heavy and just after I hit the 7 and half miles my legs felt heavy and from there the run felt like a real slog through to mile 9. I always try to finish strong as its a weakness so the last mile or so wasn't too bad as I dreamt of a hot shower, change of clothes and a coffee. It wasn't a great run due to the weather but I was happy to be increasing my mileage.
I haven't run as much with the girls as everyone is busy with life even this past Monday I didn't get to run with them but I did  a quick run around the roads at home. It was a beautiful evening sun shining blue skies and sweat. I took off too quickly and paid for it at the end when my legs felt heavy and I missed out on a new 5K PR..
Missed PR selfie...

General things from the last few weeks:

I just seem to have piles of running and crossfit gear to wash all the time due to me being a #sweatybetty or wet damp gear.

I am NOT a Sprinter

I need to foam roll and stretch more.

I still can't straighten my arms over my head.. but I'm working on it!

I have developed a taste for Earl Grey tea, it's so refreshing.

And so the next few weeks will be about putting in time and the last few miles on my legs before the Half marathon while enjoying it and keeping a smile on my face.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Crossfit, regionals, half marathon training..

Even before I started Crossfit, I had began to watch it on Youtube in particular the crossfit games and regionals. So with great excitement at the end of last month, I headed to Madrid to see Europe's top crossfitters compete in the Meridian Regionals. What an experience it was, edge of the seat excitement for three days. Teams, Men and women competed, I have to say the women's competition was absolutely brilliant. The regionals were held at the Caja Magica which is easily accessed via the metro. The whole venue buzzed with excitement, each event and heat added to it and everyone was willing all the athletes to do well. Crossfit heaven...

There was plenty of shopping to be had for any Crossfitter need among a few brands that were there were Reebok, Rogue, Rehband, Rocktape, PurePharma, Progenex, FitAid and many more. I have to admit I came away with a few bags.. To see the action up close was cool and motivating. One of the things I loved to watch was how everything was set up so quickly. 'Boz' was there this year for the first year it was cool to watch him oversee the events.  Women's Event 7, was beyond exciting the crowd was on their feet enthralled by the action developing in front of us. A no rep and a sprint to the line was the heart thumping, exhilarating finish that the women's competition gave us. I just cant wait to watch the Meridian athletes in Carson this Summer. There will definitely be a few of them of the Podium in July.  I also had the pleasure over the weekend of meeting a few crossfit legends..

Dan Bailey, Mikko Salo, Annie Thorisdottir and Rory McKernan #TEAMRO
I left Madrid full of renewed vigour for Crossfit hoping that some of the crossfit prowess I was surrounded by would rub off. I'm still waiting for it to kick in any day now!

The weather has been lovely and warm for the last few weeks so all physical activities has meant I end up in puddles of sweat. #Sweatybetty.  I have tried to be as consistent with my runs and so I was delighted when in the last week I hit a new PB in my Mile and Km. I also was able to knock a few minutes off my longer runs and more importantly I was able to run consistent over the distances. Instead of running off at pace and wearing out I was able to finish at a consistent pace.. #loveit.
That is my ultimate aim for my running as ye all know fast is good but consistent pace is better..

Big sky over the Top of Coom
I feel I'm on track with the half marathon training a few more long runs and I'll be there.