As with many of these runs the day began with an early start, a quick bite and a cup of tea, I loaded the car with all the stuff I might need for the day ahead. As usual I used very little of what I packed. I collected a few fellow half marathoners Marie and her friend Lucy, Lucy had just arrived from Australia a few days earlier and we headed over to the Gleneagle Hotel. As I pulled into the car park I spotted Bernie. The main aim after parking the car was to make a mad dash for toilet which I promptly did. Now the weather wasn't to bad it was damp but dry and not too cold so nothing that gave us cause for any worry at that stage. To get to the start line we headed to the buses which took us through the route we would be running later. Thoughts going through my head at this stage;
'It seems along way even on a bus. Am I crazy? I should be in bed...'
Bus selfie.. |
As we reached the start at Molls Gap the weather appeared to be closing in. During the next 13.1 miles we would get a few heavy rain showers.
We were milling around and I was to meet up with Helen from Crossfit who was running her first half marathon. Helen had come up with Eilish from Crossfit and Mum who were power walking it.
First half and no problem to her #strongwoman |
As you can see I wore my sunglasses in hope that the sun would come out which it did later on in the day. There was plenty of people I knew milling around there seemed to be a lot of runners and many looked like serious competitors. We met up with Marie and Lucy again. We discussed the glamorous side of running; queueing for portaloos and finding places to pee.. Not long after, we met David and TJ from Crossfit they were also doing the run. We discussed running tactics, the finer points of Thursdays Crossfit Double Helen plus some (Pyramid style) and the lack of our preparedness for the run we were about to do (which was not evident in the times they did). Everyone was in good spirits . We had done a bit of a run to warm up the muscles and stretched so all that was left to do was get started. As we all headed to start line I wished everyone a great run and said I see them at the Finish.
Well MY HALF MARATHON, how can I find the words to describe the roller coaster that it was.. We crossed the start the start and I took off faster than I should have. I was stopping and starting too often (even for me) I just couldn't get my run together. Which would have been OK if it was just me plodding along but Helen was beside me . The 2:10 pacer passed us and he was doing a great job joking and keeping spirits up so Helen set off with that group and I tried to settle in to a some kind of run..
Which after a while, I did I even began to enjoy myself. As I have always said the views are just fabulous and there's always runners stopping to take photos. As we all know I'm a real sweatybetty it was quiet humid for the first few miles and as we ran the 'midges' (a small biting fly) were out in force. I must have swallowed a good few and I had a good few stuck to me as I crossed the line. Oh, the Glamour!
I kept the 2:10 pacer in my sights for a good while but as they ran out of the reach of my legs I kept my focus on a few runners as used them as as my own little pacer group.
As usual I got my 8 mile itch and had my usual mental collapse and utter lack of faith in my own abilities although this year it did stretch on for a few more miles than I would have liked. Now those of delicate nature may want to skip the next few lines. I also spent this half marathon looking for the loo. I had woken yesterday morning to the arrival my period. There are times when it won't bother me but just like Murphy's law this wasn't going to be one of them them. I had a dull ache in my lower back for the majority of the run. I stopped and stretched my back out a few times. I felt at times I couldn't run but I power walked when I had to and moved forward. The route deviated from last years and It was lovely to come down by Muckross Abbey. As I headed towards the finish line I tried to muster a bit of oomph.. none arrived. I finished, I crossed the line. At the start line I was hoping for a 2:30 finish I crossed the line in 2:35 which I was happy with.
Never never will I look good in a running picture.. |
I headed across the road to collect my medal an t-shirt, where I met David and TJ who looked none the worse for running 13.1 miles they told me how great Helen had done. #CrossfitKillarney. I was quickly surrounded by my fabulous friends and family, it is always important to have a good cheer squad and I have one of the best, although a few cheering yesterday hopefully will be back to their running ways next year.
Cheer squad.. (missing from pic is my Dad and Anna )
I was delighted to see Bernie at the finish line, she had run a good half marathon. We had once more survived or should I say run the Run Killarney Half. This is our 4th year doing this half marathon together..
After my Mum had come in after finishing the 10K we headed across the road for coffee, a hot dog and some chat. I also met Yvonne O Sullivan a big Kerry GAA supporter and a fellow runner who completed the 10K, next year she's going to aim for the half marathon. The announcer said this year for the first time there was more women than men competing.. #STRONGWOMEN.
I finally caught up with Helen, she did an amazing run for her first half marathon. Not a bother to her...
The BLING.. |
The rest of day was filled with good food, laughter, good friends and fun places..
Hanging with the girls and Gollum in the Shire (bar in Killarney) |
To recap , on my previous post I asked was I half marathon ready, reflecting on it today I think another longer run over the last few weeks may have helped. I didn't hit a half marathon PB but despite my second half slowdown I wasn't far off the time I had aimed for. So next year, I'll aim for that new PB!! As usual around mile 10/11 I was never doing another half marathon again but as usual this morning here I am thinking about next years run. The big difference I feel this year is a physical one, today I have no aches, no pains or stiff legs, I feel completely fine.
It wasn't the Morgan Freeman narrated run I was hoping for but he did make guest appearances so I'm hopeful for the next Run Killarney Half marathon.