Saturday dawned not bright and sunny as one might expect for July but overcast and drizzly, not the best running weather but certainly not the worst. I was surprisingly calm when we arrived at the Gleneagle hotel, Susan was driving, we parked the car and thought about our first bathroom trip!! And as we headed into the hotel we met Bernie.
First photo of the day!! |
There was plenty of people milling around and a sense of excitement was in the air! Tina and Anna appeared, so our little group was all present and accounted for.
We met Aidan who had run previously with us he too was doing the half, we wished him a good run. Looking at the watch it was 7.25 am, time to head toward the buses which would ferry us to the start line. The bus journey flew by as we chatted away and soon we had arrived at Moll's Gap the start area.
Heading to foot |
We kept a few layers on for as long as possible before the girls dropped their bags off. It seemed colder than it was but we warm up as we ran. The only blip was that the mist turned in to a strong drizzle.
Thankfully, as we ran the weather improved drying up and becoming quite warm. As time moved on there was a need for another toilet break, thankfully I didn't need to go because as usual the queue was sooo long!!
As Anna and Bernie headed to join the long queue, Tina and myself tried to find some shelter from the elements. I did some stretches but not as many as I could have I walked up the road a bit to warm up the legs. In no time at all they were calling everyone to the start line, I couldn't find Tina. Anna and Bernie joined me, I turned on the Garmin and crossed the start line! We scanned the crowd in front of us and soon we were reunited with Tina.
Now anyone who has previously read this blog will know the amazing running abilities of these women, but what they did yesterday shows what amazing women they are. They ran with me, encouraged me and pushed me on to run a great half marathon. If anyone wonders what the merits of running in a group are read on...
As we moved on, I was enjoying the camaraderie of running with the girls, in fact the first few miles past quiet quickly. I had my music on which is quiet eclectic (no judgement, please!), as we entered into our 3rd mile our anthem for Clonakilty came on....
So I was smiling on the inside if not on the outside as we moved up one of a few hills we encountered. It was unusual to see the girls move that slowly and I tried to shoo them on.. They stopped to take photos, chatted, got to experience running through such amazing scenery at a much slower pace than is their usual.
The Lakes of Killarney in all there glory |
I listened more than talked as I tried to keep some pace and move but at one point I had to tell Tina stop with the story, she was just too funny and the laughing was affecting my running... The first half passed away quite quickly as is the case with many runs. As we headed toward the 6 mile marker, I needed to use the toilet facilities, Anna did too so we stopped. There was one or two before us and I don't know if we were too impatient or the need wasn't really upon us, we decided to continue onwards. As they stopped for a photo I continued on.
I knew they would be on quick enough...To be honest I was feeling OK at this stage however as I headed into the 8th mile I felt my left tightening slightly. I shook it off stretched.. Carried on...
Just an obsevation, as we headed towards Killarney we met a runner coming up against us, he was obviously taking advantage of the road being closed, I loved to know where he went? I imagined him crossing an imaginery finish line at Molls Gap..
From mile 9 onwards the run got tougher for me.. and a lot slower for the girls. But as tough as anything is when your doing it looking back you think it could have been worse! There was a throbbing or tightening in my left knee/leg, which was annoying as I ran and which made me pull up more frequently.. It was lovely and frightening to see that we had reached
Torc waterfall.. This section of the park is tough your nearly there but you have to work a little bit harder.. There was also more people around to cheer us on and encourage us to keep moving forward. In fact some tourists herded up a hill like cattle.. they were amused and I smiled at their amusement.
No picture of me running is flattering.....I'm consoled by the fact I am running!!! |
The thoughts of cups of coffee and better still bling as described by Anna kept me moving.. As we headed towards the last mile I was frustrated with myself that I was pulling up so much.. But I kept plugging away in my own head. Heading up to the finish line, I was so happy, I passed my dad, then Siobhan and Gillian and then the finish line. I looked up, I was slightly dazed.
Must turn off the Garmin!! |
There was Michelle in front of us, we had talked about that at the start we had missed Michelle and Karen this morning. Next year girls...
I had done 2hr 21ish half marathon.
I was so
happy and shocked!! I was hoping for a 2:30ish.. I was quite
emotional I really appreciated what the girls had done, they had helped me achieve and push past my goal. I can't thank them enough!
As I crossed into the finishing area I was greeted by my own number one cheerleader
forever friends.. |
Having received my fabulous medal and tech shirt, I met Dad he was waiting for Susan and my mum who were doing the 10K. After heading to the bathroom, where I took a moment to gather myself, I picked up a cup of sweet tea,
(which tasted fab! too soon for coffee..) I headed over to meet Siobhan and Gillian who were there with their beautiful little daughters.
What lovely cheerleaders we had... |
We waited for Mags, Susan and Mum to finish the 10K. We didn't have long to wait! The girls had a great run and did amazing..
Looking Strong.. |
Girls Next year, Half Marathon once more??
Next, was Brenda who was finishing her 6th marathon, she look so well as she crossed the finish line.. her marathon experience is up at
As we all chatted and caught up with each other, we headed to get our hot dog courtesy of Run Killarney, it kept the hunger at bay! I queued for the massage that was on offer, it was
fabulous, as I explained what ailed me the physio knew straight away. It was my IT band, I felt it as she massaged in to it.
(I followed her advice and as I write, it feels better..) But after availing of a shower in the Gleneagle Hotel, I went for lunch in the bar. The plan was to meet up later to watch the game as Kerry V Cork were playing.. There was a great atmosphere and we were very happy with the result,
(Sorry Karen and Mags!!).
I had such a great experience during the
run; the
scenery, the
stewards, the
jelly babies on offer in the park, the
friendliness and the
bling all made sure
I'll be back next year.
Tech shirt and the bling #loveit |
To all those who turned up to support us Gillian, Siobhan, Michelle and family in our endeavour thank you for your support, it was so appreciated!
I want to thank Anna, Bernie and Tina who could have run a completely different half marathon but chose to cross the finish line with me.. You are truly amazing women, Thank you!