What a day! The day itself started early, my resident chauffeur John
(my poor running harassed husband) drove Susan and I, toward Cork city Monday morning, we were meeting the girls at 8 a.m. To say the weather was not great would be to understate it, there was wind, rain and it was chilly.
As recommended by the race organisers, we like many others used the park and ride which meant we arrived into the city centre just across from the City Hall. I didn't take a picture of the facade of this grand building which was our base for much of the day, but its beautiful features added a touch of grandiose to our day...
We met the girls, Nicola had gone to the expo the day before to collect our numbers and goody bags.. I had the wrist band which was to be handed off by each person when they had theirleg of the relay done.
Unfortunately, during the week Karen had to pull out due to an ongoing injury, which was beyond disappointing as being the only Cork woman among us, it was her hometown marathon. For a brief moment, I had palpitations about running 10 miles but Michelle quickly volunteered to run the second leg.
As it turned out one of the other relays also had someone who was unable to run and Anna was sequestered on to their team, Anna like me was running the first leg. As quickly as we all met up, we had to separate and head off into different directions, Michelle was the first to head off on a bus to wait at the Silversprings for me..
No Pressure!!
The rest of us:- Anna, Bernie, John, Susan, Tina and I headed across to Patrick St., where the marathon was to begin.
We're all smiles with nothing ran... |
As we were stretching and warming up, Karen appeared! It was so great to see her, as she had been on my mind as this was her home run and she had battled hard to get here.
Bloody injury!!! She was on double cheer squad duty as her brother was doing the full.
Well the time had come, there really was no way to put it off so Anna and I lined up. To be quiet honest it was the most relaxed and at ease that I felt at any start line. Soon enough we were off...
Down Patrick Street we went, with the cheers of our little group ringing in our ears across Grand parade and up the South Mall, there were people cheering everywhere. The support really was amazing, I knew our group were heading for coffee and something to eat so when I heard our names called, I was a bit startled it was Pat, Brenda's husband. It really does give you a buzz..
At this stage were moving along nicely, but I knew from the feel of my legs I couldn't keep up that pace continually
(Someday, but today wasn't that day...). As, we passed the first mile mark and were about to cross the River Lee, the rain started.
We were chatting away, we turned on to the Watercourse road towards Blackpool..
Running on...(Can you spot us??) photo by Derek Costello |
We ran on, I got a bit of a stitch so tried to keep to the left. I slowed, walked and pushed on.. We passed Heineken, around little streets, people cheering us on, the Gardai came out of the local station to cheer us on. It was great to have Anna beside me, especially when she could have been long gone but the day was about supporting each other and Brenda's Mercy Challenge. The miles were flying by, I had a small bottle with me as is my habit, so I didn't make use of the water stations. I had a little moan to Anna as the rain fell and we hit the wind, I couldn't imagine running on for 20 something miles.. But thousands did with smiles on their faces,
As we hit the quays, I looked around, there were a few ships moored. I noted the Odlums building which I hadn't taken any notice of before.
In my opinion, the second last mile is always tough your nearly there but your not. We could see the route ahead of us, I felt myself slowing, I walked a bit but I said a quick prayer to St. Sebastian
(The patron saint of runners) and we ran on.
I was acutely aware that Michelle was waiting in the rain for me. Just before we arrived at the relay changeover, we had to run up a bit of a hill. As we came into the changeover, Anna met her next runner, I couldn't see Michelle for a while and then she was there. I gave her the bracelet there was no chat and she was off.
Woohooo!!!!! I was done!!! I looked at watch I had run at a good consistent pace. Anna and myself did a little dance, the man beside us was smiling..
From the excitement of my dance you'd imagine I had finished a full marathon in record time.. but it was my own little achievement.
Smiles from START to FINISH... |
I have to say a big thanks to Anna who ran with me (especially as she is way faster than me), she made the experience of running in a big marathon all the more better.. you're a star!!!
There were buses to take us back to city hall but we like many others chose to walk back in to City Hall, which helped us stretch our legs.
We reached City Hall and the cheer squad went into full support mode, '
Quick change out of those wet clothes' said Tina, John had two hot coffees waiting.
Coffee is there anything better? We changed into dry clothes and warmed up. Susan was able to walk to her changeover in Victoria Rd, Michelle who was finished was coming back to City Hall on a bus. So, Tina and John waited for Michelle, Anna and I headed with Susan to see her off and meet Nicola.
Time for another photo.. |
We waited, it was cold and it was wet. Worse since I had ran. At this stage the half marathons had begun, so the field of runners passing was quiet large. Brenda passed smiling she looked really well for someone doing their 4th marathon in as many months.. Then there was Nicola and so we sent Susan on her way. Meanwhile, back at HQ Michelle had arrived
Soon, we were all changed and in need of some much needed sustenance..
Our cheer squad had a hankering for sausages.. Coffee got, sausage got, the phone rang Susan had handed off to Bernie. So we headed to find a spot near the finish line which was quite difficult and then with the volume of umbrellas up, we strained to see. The rain was really coming down, we were all once again damp..
we saw Bernie heading down Patrick St and across the finish line..
We had battled our minds, the wind and the rain to run it in a very acceptable time of 4:11.
"Alone we can do a little, together we can do so much".. Helen Keller |
There were a few other relay teams running who were also #running4pat, supporting Brenda and the Mercy foundation, everyone did a fantastic job. To read about Brenda's experience of the day you can read brendasmercymarathonchallenge.blogspot.com.
Big kudos go to our cheer squad, they did a great job!
What do you need? I have it covered! |
We were out in the park running on Tuesday. I took my new tech t-shirt for a run. Now its time to turn my attention to the Run Killarney Half Marathon, fun times ahead!!
The run on Monday was about getting our leg of the run done, it was also about supporting each other, pushing each other to our best, laughing together as the rain dripped into our eyes , carrying each others bags, raising funds for a truly worthy cause, friendship -
I am so very proud to know and be part of this amazing group of women.
New t-shirt!!! |