Sunday, 22 February 2015

A 5K, a 10 miler and some bling..

Over half way through the second month of 2015 and 2 runs done, neither were the greatest I've done or hope to do, but both were enjoyable and memorable  in their own unique ways.

The week of my local run, I could feel my head getting stuffy I tried to get on top off it but the morning of the race I was still bunged up and still unsure whether to do the 10K/5K or to run at all. The morning was chilly and the remains of the previous weeks snow showers were in evidence, but they only enhanced the scenic quality of the route. (Although for many as they powered around it they may not have noticed..)

The girls where heading up and so I headed up to the Highest Pub in Ireland, the Top of Coom where the number collection was and the run was to start (I should say that my brother-in-law and his family own and run the pub). I had prepared the girls for the route which had quiet a pull in it but it is manageable. We collected our numbers put them on etc.. we did some stretches, try to keep warm and generally chatted away, I conceded that I would do the 5K.
At the start line they counted down and we were off.. At a fork in the road I went left on the 5K route, the girls went straight down the hill. I know the road well, so motored on, there was a lot of people of ages and abilities doing the 5K, so I was able to people watch for a lot of it.  The day was just amazing it was a real blue sky day. As,we neared the turn around I was enjoying it. From this point on it was going to get tougher. Onwards we all went, many members of our family were doing the 5K so it was great to meet them as I huffed and puffed. It really is not the best look but a cheery word from someone is great encouragement!! As I headed into the last 2K, I was wrecked so my run became a  walk. As I headed to the finish I gave a bit of a sprint, run done!
It wasn't the fastest I had ever done but then in all honesty it wasn't the slowest either, although I did another PB mile, yeahh!! I walked over a bit to see the girls arrive in from their 10K which they did accordingly, they had found it tough but not too tough that they wouldn't do it again.

On offer - Cake, sandwiches and much needed coffee..
It was a lovely day for a worthwhile charity, looking forward to the next run organised by Kilgarvan ag rith.
I missed training on Monday but headed on Tuesday for a run. Last December, when we were in Clonakilty we were talking about the runs we might do in 2015, there was one or two definites and others that were maybes, the Tralee Valentine 10 Mile being one such. The 10K was suppose to be the long run before this in theory...

 So on Sunday 15th, with no 10K done,  I lined up for the Tralee 10 mile run, Anna and Bernie were also doing it.
And we're off... I was very stop and start, Anna stayed beside me (even though I did tell her to run on), which was quiet a novelty for me as I usually forge ahead on my own, I think the last time someone ran beside me was John in the Rose of Tralee 10K.  The sun shone high and it was really warm in parts of the run. I saw parts of Tralee which I haven't been before. Heading to the half way mark we got welcome water break. The route was quiet hilly, we ran and walked up them mostly walked,as did those around us. As, we looked around and chatted the time really flew. As, we hit mile 8,  heading into the infamous canal stretch in Tralee, we headed straight into the wind. I thought out loud, I might not finish as the backs of my thighs were on fire, but we went onwards.

At the mile 9 mark, we said we put the head down and get going but moving my legs of the ground proving some what difficult. Up ahead, Bernie and Brenda were there, a few photos and a bit of chat later. We moved on, two more corners, I paused and tried to dig deep and push forwards toward the finish line.

What is it about the final sprint, when you see the finish line,  that allows you to really go mind over matter and just kick towards that line. As we finished I couldn't speak as I was dry heaving but a lovely doctor enquired after my welfare and John came with hot coffee.
Bernie had run a great run, she was among the top twenty women to finish. Anna of course would have finished well before if she had been on her own, even though I was slow I still finished 6 minutes better than my last 10 mile run..

That 6 minutes is not much when I am a slow runner but it is a sign of my continuing improvement and search for fitness. As we know I am not fastest I probably never will be but I will always aim to cross the line. It is easy to be negative or knock how far I've come especially as I am the one doing the knocking but something Karen reminded me of recently, when I was dithering about an upcoming run (details to follow in a later post), of something I said in an earlier post, #Bringiton, I said it so now is the time to do it!

Following the run in Tralee, I have added to my medal and tech top collection which is growing. In fact if truth be told the bling was a large part of me doing the run. I have had bling envy.. I look at the many runs around the world by the bling issued, sad I know..

Therefore I must confess to all, I am an 'all about the bling' (AAB) runner. So Iam  looking  forward to collecting more in 2015. #Bringiton.