Sunday, 20 December 2015

December running...

Well I haven't done much running so the title of this post is highly ironic. The last post was just before I was to do the Clonakilty marathon. The weather that weekend was appalling and there was a red weather warning. Having checked all social media, email etc..the morning of the run all systems were go, so at 4.30 am I headed down to Clonakilty. It was still raining but as I drove through floods, I was looking forward to running. But pulling into the car park, the marshall said the run was cancelled! I was peeved but more than that I was disappointed. It has since been rescheduled for the 6th of February 2016. 
I did go for a run the following day,it felt good to run. But storm desmond had left a few obstacles on my usual route.

The weather hasn't been the best over the past few weeks, living here in Ireland you would think I would be  used to it. Running during December hasn't been the greatest. Although I have managed to run most weeks I know I haven't had the best of running months although I have been going to crossfit, so at least I have  been using some of my muscles!!
Eleven days left in the month so hopefully I'll get in a couple of runs.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Getting positive!

Well its 48 hours before, I head to Clonakilty along with the rest of the Riot runners to run. I have had mixed running fortunes with this 10K, see previous posts  'Not a happy camper' - December 2013 and 'Clonakilty 10K -group trip' December 2014. It is a hilly course, which offers the full running experience. I have great admiration for the brave souls who hit the hills of West Cork, to run the half and full marathon. Hats off!! The weather forecast for Saturday is not the best, wind and rain.  But we're well used to that at this stage. Most of the Riotrunners will be running others will be cheer leading, it seems ages since we were all together, whether due to weather, injury or just life! So, Saturday will be enjoyable as I'll be catching up with the girls. My running hope is that all will go to plan (fingers and toes crossed!), the plan being to run to my ability, enjoy the run and cross the finish line smiling. A serious dose of positivity and  I'm sure, my next post will be full of cheer and running happiness!!!! 

Dark evenings, puddles and hi-viz..
I have been running mostly in the evenings and all though they have been damp even showery, I haven't had any really serious downpours. My running has been consistent enough in pace except for one extremely fast mile which I ran with Anna, a pure anomaly which happened as a result of us chatting.
I've put in a few miles over the past weeks but not nearly enough I'm sure. Fingers crossed those miles I have run and the work done at Crossfit Killarney will get me over the line smiling in Clonakilty.

So once again I say #bringiton!

Friday, 20 November 2015

Winter running...Rain, wind and Hi-viz

It's November, so you thing it wouldn't be such a shock to my system that it has been raining
A LOT! I don't mind running in the rain but when its wet the evenings are darker and mentally a little more motivation is needed to move me to put on my running shoes. But with Clonakilty just a few weeks away I needed to put a few more miles in to be ready for the start line.
With the change of seasons, the park changes, some routes can be flooded due to the lake being high, so you have to add a bit or take off a bit of a route to achieve your required mileage. One Saturday morning on meeting the girls for a run we had planned a nice easy run, it was a dry morning but the rain wasn't too far off. Anna fell in beside me as Michelle and Tina ran ahead. By the second mile I was in need of a bathroom, thankfully we were headed towards Ross Castle, public restrooms.

Took a quick picture, the clouds were rolling in. Anna quickened the pace and headed back towards the car. As I ran on I hoped the rain wouldn't arrive too soon. Suddenly the sun peeped through the trees...

Blue sky memory

As I reached the car park, I turned off the Garmin a solid six miles done. I was thankful for the glimpse of blue sky, since that day most of my runs have been in the dark or rain.
To get in my run safely, I headed to the track wrapped up as it was cold and wet. I did a few laps at a fairly consistent pace. My legs felt strong. I timed it well as Storm Abigail began to kick in just as I arrived home. Hi-viz really is the runners friend at this time of the year..

All a glow..
I have tried to make stretching and foam rolling part of the weekly routine. I have been struggling with my overhead mobility at Crossfit so I have been doing some extra foam rolling, it really is a torture device. It really feels easier some days to do a run or a tough WOD than to head onto the floor to foam roll.

Last weekend , was a real wet one were the run was about dodging puddles. But at the same it was warm, half way through I had to take off my jacket so my the time I reached the car I was drenched. Like all runners my car is full off jumpers, jackets and other clothing so after a quick change I headed for a much needed coffee. 
The rain fell for most of the weekend and most of Monday,so by the evening we were down a few numbers for our run. We decided to revisit an old running haunt out by the Gleneagle hotel, Bernie, Mags and myself ran at our own pace. We each had a mileage number we wanted to complete, so we ran.. Amazingly running towards my dreaded stuff of nightmare stop sign wasn't too bad..

I had a good sweat when I was done and felt I had put in a good run.

Hi-viz styling..

I felt happier than I looked I promise!!!

The rain is still falling as I write and the wind is howling. Motivation may be needed by the bucket load if this is the weather for the Winter ahead. I saw a quote the other day which stuck,

'On your good days, run hard. On your bad days, run as long you need.'

So maybe this might be the motto for the Winter ahead!

Friday, 6 November 2015

Marathon envy, Heavy legs and running laps...

The October bank holiday weekend saw me in Dublin. I was there to cheer on Bernie and Anna as they ran their first marathon and Brenda as she rang her 12th of 12 marathons this year. To read about Brenda's marathon go to, what she has accomplished in the past year is inspirational
The morning of the marathon the girls headed to the start line both looked nervous but they were smiling. Michelle, Susan and I were the cheer squad, so firstly we headed to Starbucks for some much needed caffeine and then did a quick sprint down to our first viewing point. 
As the runners passed, we looked for familiar faces among the 1000's and then suddenly the girls passed. They looked comfortable and watching them pass in the marathon was a real buzz. We stayed to cheer until the last person passed, I found it very emotional and the tears came to my eyes. All these people who turned up to complete 26.5 miles on bank holiday whether for themselves or a charity was truly humbling as a spectator.
We headed to our next viewing point at around the 12 mile mark,  passing some iconic Dublin landmarks along the way..

I'm sure a few  pints were consumed after the marathon...

We had a great time cheering, we saw Brenda and Pat (#teamdoody) and before long we saw the girls...

Autumn running.

Next we headed to the finish line were we waited with 1000's of others who were there to see their friends and families finish , the rain began to fall, we cheered all those heading to the finish sign and then the girls were there crossing the finishing line.. 
Congratulations to all those who ran the Dublin marathon especially our Riot runners.

I have to confess I had a little marathon envy!

As I hadn't run since my fall, I headed to my local Parkrun unfortunately I was running late so missed it...AGHHH!!! But, I ran anyway and put in some solid miles although my legs felt so heavy and It felt like hard work in some parts. I could feel myself putting the brakes on my legs as I ran, subconsciously I didn't want to fall again. But it did feel so good to be out and moving.. 

I also signed up for the Clonakilty 10K . I have taken part for the last three years, it is tough run but there is always a great atmosphere around it.  It is in  December, so has a real festive feel. Also, as you run along the coast the scenery is quiet stunning!

As, the time has changed there is no more evening runs in the park. So our little group met in the car park of a local supermarket, we headed for a run around the town. I don't mind running around the town but the first evening we were a bit unsure of route we would run. Also, I always find the first run in the dark is a bit weary, its as though my brain is fighting with me telling me I should be at home by the fire.
I went to my local track this week, to do some laps it is not something I find comfortable. I like a bit of scenery and I would describe myself as a point to point runner, so laps are a challenge to the mind. I did a few sprints and then did a few laps. At the start I found it hard to pace myself but after a few laps I found was enjoying it. 

Slowly as the last week has passed,my legs are beginning to loosen up. I'm volunteering this week at my Parkrun and so will put in my run afterwards. Which I'm looking forward to, slow and steady will be the order of the day!
And as for my marathon envy, I am thinking where will I line up to cross my marathon start line in 2016? Any ideas?

Thursday, 22 October 2015

One month, 5 runs.....

It's been a while! I have been quite remiss in keeping my blog up to date it's been nearly a month, I promise to be more diligent about sharing my running habits in the future. A lot can happen in a month, so I've picked out 5 runs which are for me the past months running highlights

RUNS 1 & 2

My last post was all about the womens mini marathon in Killarney, since that I have travelled to Taiwan to Johns cousins wedding, congrats Shane and Summer. Before we headed to Taipei, I checked out a few places to run.
One morning we headed out early to the Gutting riverside park which wasn't to far from our hotel. There were plenty of people out running, cycling, walking, there were elderly people doing their exercises, we even saw people waltzing, I was going to take a picture but it seemed bit intrusive so early in the morning. The park is situated on the banks of the Dansheui river. As we started running, we set off at a good easy pace, the route was just lovely and the miles passed by quickly...

The heat and humidity soon became a factor. We were just drenched in sweat and it felt hard to breath but it was a nice couple of miles although my the end of the run we were wrecked...

A mile or so in...

The end of the run.. (Not our best look!!)
Another morning, we ran in Daan Park which has a lovely running track,  It looped the entire park. There weren't too many people around. Even though we were in the centre of the city you wouldn't know it. You take a path of the loop and run around the lake which was pretty. It was a great place to do a quick pre-typhoon run, Typhoon Dujuan hit that evening.

Running is great way to see a new city. I am looking forward to my next run in a new country..

 RUN 3

I did my local parkrun in Killarney, the saturday after I came home. I was so tired. In fact my legs felt heavy as I started. Parkrun is one of my favourite runs, it is offers a bit of eveything, hills, speed, flat... After a few minutes, I was able to tune everything out, even though I found it tougher than other Saturdays, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Everyone is encouraging whether you run a 17min 5K (I can dream!! Ha ha!!) or walk it, for Parkrun its about getting out there. Which I love!!


I met the girls for our weekly Monday run, it was just a perfect autumn evening. The park was full of people trying to make the most of the gorgeous weather.  As, I ran I was just struck my the amazing colours that were on display, I just love of those rich autumnal colours, which neither my words or photos do justice to.

I just took it slow, I stopped to take a few photos as I tried to capture the evening.

I had the biggest smile on my face as I ran through the fallen leaves. It is so much fun... The parks local residents, the deer are amid their rutting season. They are such beautiful animals but they are noisy, the stags would give you quite a fright, their bellow is so loud.
It was one of the last evenings, that we will run in the park as the time changes this weekend and it will be too dark from next week. We will be back to running through the town,  #townrun.


Sunday, I decided to do a nice quick 3 mile run. It is a route I run all the time. It was a fresh autumn morning. I was moving better than I had since returning from Taipei. I know the road well so I tuned out  and  I just ran. My pace was steady and I was thinking about the week ahead. I had just over 2 miles done, when disaster struck. I FELL!! It was the kind fall were I could see it happening as I was falling. I landed on my left side.  My elbow and forearm took the brunt. Thankfully, as always I had my mobile phone on me and I was able to ring John to collect me.

Between Eileen, my nephew Tomas and myself , we did some home nursing to it. But over the next two days it became progressively more painful, eventually I had to 'bite the bullet' and visit the doctor. Thankfully, nothing was broken but I have a severe infection in it. Had I delayed further it would have meant a spell in hospital. So at present, I am being dosed with of antibiotics and painkillers.

I am on the mend although I  I won't be Running, doing TRX or Crossfit for a while.

So there it is One month summed up over 5 of  its most memorable runs. 
For, the next week or so I'll be more spectator than participant. But, I am already looking forward to putting on my asics and heading out for a run. #bringiton.

Shades of Autumn 

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Killarney womens mini marathon 2015

Saturday morning, I was running a bit behind schedule. So by the time I got to Killarney and headed to meet the girls, I felt slightly flustered. Also, as I hadn't the best run last year at this event, I was wary of what was ahead of me... Aggghhhh!!! There was a large crowd gathered as both the 5K and 10K were starting together, you could feel the excitement or nervousness. After a quick catch up and a photo or two, people started running, we were off...

Last minute prep.. 

Ready for action!
We began by running down Mission road, on the road, up on the kerb, dodging past people, we turned into the park. The route had been changed this year due to the flooding in parts of the park, we would have to run a loop of the park twice for the 10K once for the 5K. At this stage I was running beside Michelle and Anna, as we ran down by the canal it is a bit of a bottle neck.  I noticed the ground was littered with wet leaves. As we turned right to go up the hill, the girls pulled away. I ran up the hill, which wasn't too bad as my legs were fresh. The hill isn't steep but it has a steady pull which deserves a bit of effort.  Passing the playground, I felt comfortable, so I steadied myself and settled into the run. I cranked up U2, let my feet just move and switched off my brain. This worked great for next 5K or so, I knew I was running well. It felt easy in parts, I was smiling more than grimacing. The drummers at the bottom of the hill were a welcome distraction as I headed up the hill again, this time my legs felt it a bit more.

Dreaming of the finish line...
As, I moved forward, I decided to walk each time I took a sip of my water.(which wasn't too often as I finished with some water left). This time around I had to push myself more. As I passed the golf course, I knew there was less than 1 KM to go, I tried to dig deep and push forward. But I felt tired, I let my pace slow especially as I knew I had to go up that hill for a third time...Ughhhh!!!  But to finish I had to get up the hill , some one said 'go on' as I passed just at the end of the climb I'm sure I said I was *********.  Anna and Michelle, came back to urge me to the finish line. But whether I was ********* or not I kicked it up and ran across the finish line..

Signature thumbs up!
I had survived! I was smiling, no tears, no drama, just running!  It was a relief to finish knowing I had run the best run I could, that I hadn't checked out when it felt too tough. Progress! Woohoo!!
Then, to make it really great there was Ice cream and donuts..

Having caught up with the girls everyone seemed happy with their mornings run.

Smiles and bling, you could say we're glowing!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Riot runners,Rain and Running..

The last few weeks have been fairly busy for the Riot runners.

First up, was Bernie and Michelle they did the Sandstorm obstacle run on Ballyheigue beach. I ran, the Killarney park run that Saturday morning then headed to the beach the cheer on the girls with Anna and my mum. The day was beautiful blue skies and warm sun, which in itself was a real treat..
There was a large turn out for the obstacle run and we were quite fortunate to see the girls as they attempted the last large climb of the run.

conquering fears..

After conquering Sandstorm they crossed the line together.....

And as we were at the beach, there was only one way to sooth tired feet..

The following weekend, we headed to Dingle to cheer on Anna and Tina who were doing the half marathon and Brenda who was completing her 11th out of 12 marathons, you can  read her experience at

The Dingle half marathon, is very picturesque and on my running bucket list!

Dingle Bay!

The girls took some pictures


The girls enjoyed the run and also ran well, so they deserved the bling they received..

Blinged OUT!

I have been out running, the weather has been a bit hit and miss! When the rain stops you've just got to go for it..
Having done nothing for two days, I just went out one morning and it was the best run ever. The moment I started running I could feel my body, my muscles working as they should. I was giddy when I finished!! Runners high!!

The last week or so,  have been particularly wet but I find now I have to get out and run its part of me. I am also moving quicker than I used to, which I am pleased about although I still walk, Usain Bolt has nothing to fear, YET!! Hahahaha!! As the daylight hours are getting shorter, I am trying to take advantage of getting out into the park to run. Due to rain, parts of the park have been under a bit of water, as Anna and I found out on Mondays run.

Anymore rain and we'll be rowing..
I have also have been trying to stretch more and use the instrument of torture that is the foam roller on a more regular basis.

This weekend we will run the Killarney women's 10K. Most of us will be taking part so we will have a good group catch up! I always find this run tough, last year it reduced me to tears. I know the route, I have run parts of it many times, but there is one part of it that irks me I can't explain it!!! I know crazy! This year, I'm  going to try and just enjoy the running. Well that's the plan, but best laid plans etc... I suppose I'll find out Saturday.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Abs, saddlebags and running mojo...

My runs over the last few weeks have been a bit hit and miss. I have had a real lack of motivation to push on when out running. I know what I have to do but my legs have felt like lead on more than one of my recent runs. I've lost my running mojo!
The anomaly to this has been the local Park run which I am really enjoying. It definitely pushes you! I have improved my performance with each run which I am so pleased about.

I have been attending TRX and HIIT sessions at Belief Fit in Killarney, to strengthen the core (which in theory should help to improve my running) and to burn the 'flubber' of my backside, which has been working. Yeahhh!! I have now progressed to Crossfit which I am loving. My abs are a work in progress... During these classes they also have some sprinting, one workout included running with weights...

My saddlebags are also a work in progress...
John took both pictures as he waited for me. For the first picture he was with one my nephews they had just come from the pizza parlour, pizza in hand! 
I have short legs, big hips and large thighs so running photos are not my best look!

I missed group training Monday, but met up with Anna to go for a run on Tuesday. We decided to change it up a bit and so headed out to Muckross for a run. Best idea ever! I smiled throughout the run. We ran through woods, passed red deer, the lake, tourists taking pictures and finished by climbing the steps of Torc waterfall. The change of scenery was all that was needed to re-energise my running legs....

The next few weeks are going to be busy as various members of the group take part in events,this weekend Bernie and Michelle are taking part in the Sandstorm event on Ballyheigue beach. This is an obstacle course run so it should be great fun, of course Bernie has home beach advantage!

I am glad to have gotten out of my running funk this week, re-energised I am looking forward to my next run!

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Park runs, Colour runs and plans to run...

A couple of months ago, a Park run began in Killarney, as I was concentrating on the half marathon and Saturday was my long run day, I hadn't signed up or taken part.  I knew a few people who had taken part, they enjoyed the route and highly recommended it. So following on from my last post and my search for new running opportunities, I decided to sign up! Also some of the other members of the  Riot runners decided to join me!
The Park run takes place around Muckross, it starts at 9.30 am on Saturday mornings. So two weeks ago, I arrived at Muckross to take part in my first park run. I met up with Tina and my mum (who had done the park run on previous Saturdays), the group was a real mix women, men, children, runners,walkers, locals and tourists alike, all  ready! The organisers explained how it all worked, the route and then we were off!
As we started, Anna and Michelle were just arriving so they had to sprint to the start and keep going. The route was hilly, it took us pass the farm,  Muckross Abbey and the lakes, it is quite lovely! We had to do two loops. The first loop was good, the second was more testing! I could feel that I was running well and more importantly I was enjoying it.

Thumbs up!!
The route started off  in the carpark, then on straight before turning left up a hill (second time round this hill really was a bit of a struggle!), down towards the Abbey left again towards Muckross house on a route which was a serious of ups and downs. Heading back to the start line at the car park, I could see the finish line..  Done! After, we were all finished, we headed over to the cafe at Muckross House for a Coffee and chat.
My favourite part..
Glowing after our Park Run.
Unfortunately, I couldn't do it last Saturday as I had the Colour Run but I plan to be there this Saturday.

Training has continued as normal even though the weather has been quite atrocious, it was more like November rather than July/August. As Irish people, the weather is a source of concern but as Irish runners we are obsessed with it! As I have said before, I had been looking forward to the Colour Run as it was the first time in months that the Riot runners would be all out together.
So last Saturday, I donned a white t shirt with 1000's of others to run around the Demense while paint powder was thrown at us.. FUN!!! It was all in aid of a great charity AWARE (which helps people and their families who are suffering from depression). As this run was all about fun, I decided to add a bit of colour to my white uniform....

photo bombed???
We collected our numbers and paint packets at the Old monastery before half nine, our wave was beginning at 10 a.m. Unlike those around us, we were a bit polite in putting on the paint powder, and so later when it was been thrown around it came as a bit of a shock!

Group shot...
 thanks Aidan Doyle who was the photographer.
There was a party atmosphere as we did a group warm up! We were jumping up and down and my blue hair was going astray, I hoped it remained on for the full run.. Happily, I can report that it did! There was a large crowd, as we started it was hard to move and I lost everyone for a while.

The route took us through the demesne, once we move passed the start line congestion, we able to run on. At various points along the route, there were people on both sides who were throwing paint powder, they really looked they were having too much fun!!!  I caught up to the girls and I spent most of the run with Bernie and Karen, it was really great to see Karen back running.

My go to pose!!
In fairness, at the finish line, I didn't have too much paint on me compared to others but my hair was the same shade of blue as alot of the paint...
Going for the SMURF look..
Everyone had enjoyed the run, the silliness of it and the dodging of paint powder, made the moving part of it the easy part. There was a real sense of fun and  accomplishment at the finish line, with all those who were involved in the run cheering everyone on!

Finishing line smiles!!!
Next up, will be the Killarney Mini marathon  in September, it wasn't one of my best in 2014 but I'm hoping 2015 will be a better experience. I, also will be heading to Clonakilty in December, I also plan  to add one or two more runs in between..
I want to be kept motivated and working towards a goal!! #bringiton..

Friday, 31 July 2015

Recovery and looking for new running challenges...

For a day two after the half marathon, I was in recovery mode!  I still had a feeling of stiffness in my left leg specifically my IT band I could the muscles creaking... But after a day or two of rest, some icing and a deep relaxing bath using 'Bernies Miracle Bath salts', (named so by our group because Bernie found them) I was ready to run once more on Tuesaday evening.

The smell they leave in bathroom is fantastic..
We gathered on the Tuesday after the run, it was a lovely evening. I put on the Run Killarney tech shirt, I'm loving the black! There was so many people out running as I've said the evening was so fine.. We headed out the Fossa Way, there were no hills, thankfully! I had a solid run! I finished smiling, after the half marathon it didn't seem too bad..Hahaha!!!
We are at the end of July and the weather here in Ireland feels like November. It takes as much effort to motivate yourself to get out and run than it does to run! But sometimes the views make it worth it!

Two weeks have passed since the Half marathon and I am running a couple times a week but having a run to look forward to, is always great motivation. At present, my next run is a 5K Colour Run which I have to say I'm looking forward to, (although not the clean up), it'll be a great laugh.  After that I have a few thoughts but I haven't signed up to anything yet.  Decisions will have to be made!