Tuesday, 25 November 2014


A few weeks ago, I mentioned consistency was the aim for the month, and I have tried to stick this especially when putting in the mileage.
As usual I look forward to Mondays, when the running group meet, our new route or our 'Winter route' as I like to call it, is Lidl car park to the Gleneagle Hotel and for some further. Needless to say I don't go further but these days I'm not too far behind. I have to say my running has most definitely improved in fact over the last few weeks I have hit a few new PBs. Which does wonders for the confidence!! I even ran a mile which when I looked at the Garmin it had a 9 in front of it, gasp...I know, who knew I could run that fast?  It is of course an aberration, but it felt good. I had spring in my step for the rest of the day!! For some reading this they'll think how slow, but hey people remember the turtle crosses the line as well as the hare!!!
Talking about improvements, Anna believes its all to do with the length of her arms,... this is her explanation for her quickening pace not all the hard work she has put in over the last year or her natural ability.
The weather here has been hit and miss, plenty of wet days but also there have been a few blue sky days, when the crisp air makes you run that bit faster and you end each run smiling. It is slightly harder to motivate myself, when its dark outside, last Tuesday was one of those evenings heading out my legs felt heavy etc... I also had the wrong underwear on (sorry, I know TMI, but warts and all). I had just decided to stop and turn around when who should I see running toward me, Tina. As she bounded pass all cheerful, putting in the effort, I knew I just had to suck it up and run on. Reaching the car later, a bit sore, I was glad I hadn't given in.
There is one good thing about running in the dark though no one can see your wobbly bits, maybe this to has contributed to an increase in pace..just a thought!

Blurry post run...

At the start of September, Michelle, Anna and myself began doing TRX  at Belief Fit in Killarney, I have really noticed the benefits of it. The class is tough, I sweat buckets and my muscles cry leaving it. My core still has a long way to go but even now I feel the benefit as I don't bend as much as I run. I have to say thanks to Siobhan for introducing me to TRX.

Road outside my door..

It is always good to have a goal, to keep running towards. At present our local community are all in training for a run on Sunday 8th February 2015, organised by the running group 'Kilgarvan Ag Rith'. This run is in memory of baby Aodhan Kelleher, funds raised will benefit the national charity Feileacain. They are offering two options a 5K and 10K both are challenging, (both of whose routes pass my front door) starting in Kerry,heading into Cork,and back to Kerry to finish near the Top of Coom Ireland's Highest Pub, where you can celebrate your PB or just that you crossed the line. All details can be found on Facebook at  'Kilgarvan Ag Rith' or Precision Timing.

At present, we are gearing up for Clonakilty, there is a group of us heading down for it. I will be doing the 10K, which I did last year but not very well. As anyone who reads this blog knows I am not good in a race situation, so I am not expecting too much. I plan to relax , enjoy the run (as best I can) and party afterwards.
Motto for the Clonakilty weekend is #Bringiton.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

d'Hillbillies Mud Run 2014

Saturday, I woke up to the sound of rain hitting off the window, which continued to fall for the rest day. On the road to Michelstown, I did note that the last time I had done something similar Hell Mountain 2013, the weather was also not great (and that was a tortuous experience at least for me!). I was taking part in a group, which consisted of the following amazing women:- Brenda, Bernie, Nicola, Anna and Susan.
Car parked, bathroom found, Susan and I then met up with the rest of the girls.  Brenda gave our little group the moniker 'the Dirty Divas',  Bernie decided we needed a look to go with our name and so the following is what we looked like as we headed towards the start line. (we still had them when we returned, prizes all round...)

'The Dirty Divas'
And then, we were off..
Running along a cow path which was full of 'muck' in essence it was cow shit, it was very slippery and as I moved I was internally hoping I would not fall.  As we left the path and crossed a road into a lovely green field, there was the first official obstacle (in my opinion the mucky path was the first obstacle.. ughhh), so down on our hands and knees and under a barbed wire bridge.
At a lot of the obstacles there were queues. I know who knew that I would queue to wade in waist high water or to crawl in mud, not me! Next up, was a dip in ice cold water it didn't feel solid under foot and  tyres were bobbing to the surface. Out and then run, across fields over bales which were square, piled high. Passing through fields the gaps were muddy and slippery, the next major obstacle was a fence which I admit I didn't go over, no one wants to see my 'gluteous maximus' hanging off the top of a fence or worse trying to push my 'GM' over the fence... The girls hopped over and then we continued on.. Spirits were high, onto the road way once more, we passed an elderly gentleman said 'hello' but what must he have thought of all these wet, mud covered people! Next into pits of water and out them twice, I think?
As I'm writing I'm not too sure if I have the order of obstacles correct but all mentioned were there.
Then ahead of us were monkey bars three people at a time, they weren't straight across but an angle, tres impossible! Underneath was an inflatable floor which was slippery and a challenge in itself. Next up was to walk across a narrow plank of wood over a pool of water, Bernie, Brenda, Anna crossed the knack was to hold hands which steadied you, so with Nicola to my left and Susan to my right I crossed. The crowd lay ahead, only 7 people could enter the tunnel at same time, I really thought this was the one which would turn me into a wreck. Go ahead the lady said, no going back etc.. I scrambled down the bank slowly into a ditch of water, then the tunnel, crouched or more bent, looking toward the light I moved as fast as I could, trying not to think of what else could be lurking. Out of the tunnel, then into a river of water, it was uneven beneath my feet, not sure how deep it was, also over logs and under I headed, then two gentlemen helped me up into another field. They asked who was getting married, thinking we were on a hen night (seriously, who would do this for a hen night??). The field had a path marked off it was very boggy next up was a slide. A photographer stopped us to take a picture, the other girls had just finished the slide came over and we posed as best we could. Not wanting to know what lay ahead the girls said they wait for us and we continued to the top, I gritted my teeth and went for it. WHATTTTT.. I hit the water under I went came up spluttering the water was a lovely shade of brown, it smelt and dirt even went into my nose. Yuckkkk!! Susan gathered herself at the top after a while and then came down hitting the water awkwardly she had hit her elbow and it threw her.The girls helped us out of the pool and we ploughed on. The slide really too a bit out of me, it took a bit to gather myself heading into the next obstacle I fell flat face down into the mud. Thankfully, they had a water stop next. So we had a bit of a breather and a welcome drink, the lady handing them out was lovely. Running on, the path led us into another river, moving through it, we had to climb over trees and in and out of tyres, Out of the river, we had a brief respite before we were back in to it again. At this time, I had no sense of time or distance. I was in fact enjoying myself, everyone was in great form and there was great sense of camaraderie. Climbing out via a wall of tyres into a field which we had to run around, my legs felt truly heavy, it was the first time I thought to myself 'surely we're near the end'. After, another fence, I heard the screaming as we ran down towards the entrance to a wooded area. As I entered, I soon realised why, there was knee deep mud which we had to go through and holes of cold water, it seemed to go on for a long time
Then in and out of pits before facing a long muddy path downhill.
No Filter, No Vanity...
I know what I was thinking in the picture above 'really do I have to go down there, this is where I really will fall'..
But I didn't. Yeahhh!!  Heading along the path I could see the sheds of the yard just above.. The end was near suddenly I saw Brenda and Bernie, they had come back to see how we were getting on. Pushing on, I tried to finish strong and run across the line.. Yeahhh!!

They provided hot showers, which took away the the chill, some of us had been more affected by the cold than others and having a place to change into our dry clothes was great.
John had driven us up so it was great, he went back to car to bring over towels, change of clothes and most importantly baby wipes.  Karen who unfortunately couldn't do the run as she is still injured, came to cheer us on and it was great to see her at the finish line.

After the run..
Dry, Cleaner, nearly warm...
How to sum up, I have to say I really enjoyed the 'd'Hillbillies Mud Run', there was never any point were I thought I would give up or stop. Thinking about it, I definitely believe I am much fitter than this time last year and this really helped me to enjoy the experience as much as you can enjoy being wet, covered in mud, traipsing through boggy fields and woods.
The d'Hillbillies Mud Run was done to raise money for the Mercy Hospital Cancer Appeal. The organisers did a great job putting this fun, challenging event together.
Would I do again to quote Arnold, "I'll Be Back"..