Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Hill climbing & inspirational women...

Bernie and Tina competed the half marathon in Killarney and Caroline, Tiffany and Siobhan ran in the Dingle mini marathon.. They all did really well. Inspirational! That is the word I associate most with my running group each lady is an inspiration. Long may they inspire!!

Monday evening training took place in the Demense, I found it tough. After our warm up and stretches, Brenda laid out her devilish plan for the session. We had to run to various points and when you got there you had to run back to where Brenda was in the group. Now, I am not a big fan of this because I am usually last and that means everyone has to head back to me, as Brenda usual hangs back at the end of the group. At each point, we had to head off to the next which was fine until we hit the hill near Knockreer Hse, (if you have read this blog you will know I have had problems with said hill before!) As, I went up the hill Brenda was beside me but I couldn't catch my breath, I tried not to stop but I did. I started to panic but I took a few deep breaths and kept moving. As we ran down the hill, Brenda stopped to take photos, she later posted them on facebook, beautiful red deer grazing, I hadn't even seen them.  As, I met the group running up towards me  I could see the next point ahead. That done onwards to the next point well that was the plan, Bernie had other ideas!! Brenda ran with me and we discussed by breathing, which had gone awry,  it is complete panic!! When I think of my pace or not letting people down I panic. Which makes me catch my breath..
 SILLY you say, I KNOW!
However, that is the benefit of having Brenda there, to notice it, to put me on the right direction for the week ahead and of course, to push me panic or not.. 
Getting back to the run, as we headed to the next point, waiting for a cow to pass.. (no jokes, please!) we realised the group had passed it and headed up to the point. So, we continued on and as, we went for a warm down jog and stretch, Brenda handed out our programs for the week, something to look forward to.
Tuesday evening, it was raining, the term 'cats and dogs' was more appropriate, so I put my run on hold. Wednesday afternoon, I headed out, amazingly the sun had come out, so I put thoughts of pace and all my other 'BS' out of my mind and followed Brenda's advice to concentrate once more on my breathing. With this thought, I headed off, wow what a difference, I really had a great run!
By Saturday, it was raining again, but I headed out because it could be raining in July. I hope not!
7 miles to do,  as always the first mile or so is the hardest, then I settle into it. Even though it was raining it was very humid, I had water with me. But, I was sopping wet by the end of the run but smiling..
Heading into training last Monday, I was feeling good about the previous weeks running, but I knew from previous experience that probably wouldn't be the case by 8pm. It was by the way still raining. As we started the session we all chatted as we went for a warm up run before the session really kicked off. Stretching done, Brenda explained what we were to do, go down to cattle gate up to house around the corner and up Knockreer hse hill down hill and repeat again backwards (i.e start by going up Knockreer hse). OMG.. People it was not pretty, first part was OK but that bloody hill.! Going up first time I stopped, once again I couldn't catch my breath, all my good runs of the week gone.. it was torture going up the hill, down was not too bad. As I reached the house, I just stood to catch my full breath and bring down my racing heart. Off we went again, slowly does it I was thinking. Brenda was beside me saying no stopping, I was slowing, I wanted to stop, I also I really wanted to pee.. As I was near the top something had to give, coming down the hill with a full bladder is not pleasant and as I continued on, I just kept thinking keep going. Warm down jog and stretch done! By the end of the session, I felt spent...  
Last Monday aside, bank holiday weekend yeahhh!! So the Women's Mini Marathon is on in Dublin, Brenda is running as is Karen, so sending best wishes to them for a great run.

It about summed me up, last Monday!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

'Moaning myrtle' am I..

Well it's been a busy few weeks with running and a bank holiday thrown into the mix. To begin, I want to congratulate Siobhan and Bernie on their runs. Siobhan did a great first half marathon in Limerick and Bernie ran an inspiring 22K in the Killarney Wings for Life run. Amazing ladies!
Our training night fell on the Bank holiday, so we met  at the Demense. We did our warm up and stretched. The aim was to run two loops- run down by canal, over bridge and up hill and reverse, we were told to push it. I don't know if I have the ability to push it! 
Especially, when I am being timed!
We did another loop I tried to push it at the end. Yeahh!! Training schedules handed out for the week, it's not bad.

I have my usual days for running and in truth, I much prefer running in the morning. The last week or so, I have felt unenthuasiastic with my running, I can't find my rhythm, I go out with all the best intentions.. I run on, I slow down, I speed up it's just frustrating.

 'Moaning myrtle' should be my new name. 

Anyways, last Monday training was out at Torc. The day was really wet and I was sure we were going to get soaked, but other than at a bit of a drizzle it was fine. The session started out with a quick walk up the steps, then we jogged on as we hit the top carpark, we stretched. The road then goes straight down or goes further up. Guess which way we went?
Brenda, once more reminded me of my breathing as I had mentioned earlier I was finding it tough and I set to it. Onwards, the route is quiet pretty, but to be honest I didn't see much of it. At, the bridge they were waiting, lets go says Brenda as she continued forward. The road has a good pull in it before hitting a steep hill with a bend in it, it was at this point in the evening that I thought Brenda was trying to kill me! I swear, woe was me I thought as I shuffled forward! Now it wasn't as if anyone in the group would have thought it was fun I'm sure they didn't. The thing is, I knew I go would up the hill, if I could just notch it up a bit. As we came down, we were all having a little chat and soon, we were at the bottom of the steps.

We look fresh...

After we had reached the carpark and stretched, Brenda gave us Run Killarney entry forms which I have to get to this week.
Also, this weekend Tina and Bernie are running a half marathon in Killarney and Siobhan is doing the 10K in Dingle.
Push on is the motto for the week..

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The bonus of running in Kerry

The scenery ..


Where still waters meet..

The path not travelled

I'm always looking for a four leaved one..



Friday, 2 May 2014

My Driving force..

Last week, I did nothing nada, zilch, zero. I know what ye're thinking I'll be the one complaining and moaning about how slow etc.. I am.  So it was with a sense of dread that I headed to training. I don't know about any one else but if I miss my runs, I find my legs always feel heavier on that first run. So, as I arrived at Torc with Susan, I put my hands up to Brenda and admitted my lack of effort the previous week. And tried not to think of the pain I might feel over the next hour.
As soon as everyone arrived, we set off down under the tunnel and into the park. As I chatted away to Caroline, Tina & Susan, we continued into the park and reminisced about the half marathon the previous year. As we turned to turn back our talk turned to fashion of the running variety, Michelle had a lovely running jacket on, which she told us that 'Santa' had got her, we all noted that since our running adventures had started any gifts received seemed to have a running theme.
Onwards we went and  I resumed my place at the back of the pack!
As we reached the bottom of Torc steps, up we went. We got to the top of the first two sets of steps and then I kid you not Brenda said the following "WE'LL JOG ON!!".  At this point I was wrecked, I tried to run I did I promise but my legs settled into a walk. As we went up the next set of steps, I felt like I couldn't do it. Of course I could and did it with Brenda urging me on. We had to go down the steps and up once more before heading down to the bottom. We then ran down to the toilets which was quite enjoyable until we got to the end and Brenda said we were to run up to the base of steps and down 5 times. At this stage the thought of running up to those steps was beyond me or so I thought! I also thought that Brenda was trying to kill me... But In fairness, the finish changed each time, thankfully and with each time it got easier. That's what makes the group great it pushes you to do things you wouldn't normally do or think you could do.
We headed to the carpark, as we stretched we discussed motivation, I think being the second time round for some of us we aren't wide eyed about it and know whats in front of us. Aghhhhhh!!!! So we have to set new goals rather than just finishing a half marathon. Poor Karen, Tara & Tiffany had to listen us reminiscing. But the newest members of our group are way more capable than I was last year to be truthful than I am this year..
This weekend some of the group are out running Siobhan, is heading to do Limerick run half marathon and Bernie is doing the Wings for  Life run in Killarney.
Also, as mentioned I haven't spent much time talking about the group this year which I aim to change because the group is the driving force which helps me moving forward.