Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Two steps forward One step back..but laughing all the way.

I Just when  I think I'm making progress, I have a bad run and I am reminded not to get too cocky.
I went for a three mile run a week or two ago, I didn't think too much about it beforehand  but I knew when I started running it would be good. My legs felt strong and the sound of my feet on the road pushed me forward. As I finished, I was smiling and sweaty. As, I looked at my garmin I had run each mile a minute faster. PROGRESS!!
Which did not last beyond my next run. By my next group training, I was a mess. I was plodding along, couldn't catch my breath.. Disaster!
Disaster not, I put my head down and powered on with my program. Brenda said, we would be heading up Torc Waterfall steps which would be good for strength and endurance. In preparation for this training routine, I decided to do some recon so I headed up. I couldn't make it up the first set without stopping to catch a breath. My heart was pounding. By the time, I had reached the top, I was breathing heavily. I practiced going up a few times so I wouldn't stop when with the group. This week, we went up the torc steps and as usual I was last but as slow as I was compared to the others ast least I didn't have to stop mid-climb. Its a little thing a small step forward but it makes me happy. 

I will conquer them is my new mantra.