This is how the day went it probably will be long winded as I want to record as much of the day as I can remember.
The alarm went off at 5.30 am after dressing, brushing teeth etc.., a mug of coffee and a banana, I was out the door. I had my porridge the night before. Susan stayed at my house the night before so we travelled into Killarney together. We were to meet the group at 6.50am at the Gleneagle Hotel. We managed to park quiet easily and we put on our race numbers. I was number 573. Before I met up with everyone I had to rush to the bathroom there was quiet a few people doing the same thing. The sun was up and it was warm, there was such a great sense of anticipation in the air. Everyone in the group seemed in good spirits. Mags husband Niall was there he like Aidan and John was running the full Marathon Also Brenda's husband Pat was there to do the half marathon. A newly married couple from Brenda's group in Dingle was also there, they were lovely and planned to run together which they did.
The next step was to head on to the bus which we did, as the bus pulled away someone pointed out the 13 mile mark across the road. I hoped I would see it again that day ( In fact I actually do not recall passing the sign again!). As the bus progressed up to Moll's Gap the chat began to lessen. Liam as relaxed as he is, went for a nap! As the bus reached Moll's my stomach actually came up to meet my throat luckily that's as far as it went at that stage in the day. Like half of the people above there, many of us decided we needed the toilet, there was a queue heading to Kenmare so instead of queueing for a portaloo I queued to squat behind a rock. I kid you not. I am sure I have said before, there was is no glamour in running. Well, then we did the warm up, after which Brenda saw Valerie O Sullivan and went over to get a photo taken of all of us.
I hadn't a clue was about to happen to me physically but more importantly mentally.
Passed mile 6 knowing I was nearly half way done and only 3 or so miles until I got to the national park. Mile 7 came up quick enough, I was on my way to mile 8 when I was walking and I got the chills. It freaked me out! I continued forward but my legs seriously felt like two concrete blocks filled with lead. Mile 8 came, I kept thinking the turn off for Dinis will be coming up soon. Around this time, I caught the smell of a dead animal, thinks weren't bad enough!
I just couldn't see mile 9, my hands began to swell and felt stiff. F*** it I thought! Just keeping moving . I seriously thought 'will I just sit down' and at this stage I was running and walking in fact I don't know what I was doing. I know my body was having it's own meltdown. I can't believe I'm going to say this but I wet myself and I hardly knew it happened. I was on my own on the road and I tried to calm myself which I managed to with a bit of success.
Then, I saw a steward like a mirage, he handed me water, he said that I was headed into a wooded bit which was good because I knew Muckross was ahead and it would be hot, hot, hot! There before me also was a little girl with a water sponge I put the water done the back of my neck, I remember Brenda saying she found it cooled her there. It worked. I can honestly say, I knew this route so well and It was a killer yesterday. I tried to motivate myself as best I can I wasn't do a good job. All, I had was to keep going forward. Around, what I call the HA HA bridge, I genuinely thought that the 10K was over. I pushed on running as best I could through the wooded area I knew so well, into the bright again I began to walk on, I went up the hill towards the second Lake Hotel entrance, I let the fall of the road bring me along and as I turned the corner at Hegarty's shop I saw the Gleneagle Hotel ahead of me. I also saw my Dad, when I got up to him I was babbling my hands felt so stiff I asked him did Mum come in (I should point out my Mum was doing the 10K). He said no, they left that long. I was moving forward as we spoke. His being there gave me an extra spurt. Off I went again I saw someone coming toward me it was Susan with a medal around her neck, she said your nearly there everyone is above. So I just kicked in and went for it with whatever I had in me.
I crossed the line and felt like I was going to puke. I did wretch slightly. Thankfully a gentleman tapped me on the shoulder and he said you have to cross the two sets of rubber mats to get your time, which I did. I also got my medal, a bottle of water and a banana.
As I went out to meet everyone, I felt overwhelmed I had wanted to do the half marathon in 3 hrs, net time was 2:58.12. DELIGHTED. Yes, I would love to say I ran a 2 or 2.30 hr, but I am only at the beginning of my running now I have something to aim for. There was so many people around John, his sister in law Eileen and our nephews were there, as were our cheerleaders Catherine & Elaine.
I met the rest of the group, they had done so well especially at the pace they run, in the heat (I believe it was in the 20's c). I Had heard them cheering me in and that's what makes being in a group so great there is always someone there to champion you.
I wanted to head to the car to do a quick change, get flip flops etc... On the way back, I headed toward the tent for the massage. As I queued, I had a few moments to myself to take in the roller coaster I had been on for the last 3hours, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness. The queue was long but I committed to it, as I queue I saw Joanie coming me from the 10K , I also saw my mum. I got up on the couch and got a rub on my calves which helped them.
Then it was my turn to stand and cheer those who were coming in, Niall Mags husband came in and then we waited as a group for John & Aidan to come in. We cheered them on as they crossed the finish line, the heat had been particularly bad in the second half of the course, affecting them as it had everyone else. Aidan was smiling as he usually had been throughout our training. Caroline who is one of the strongest in our group collapsed during her half marathon due to the heat, which put a little cloud over our group. But she'll be back stronger next year.
Well there we are at the finish all 'medaled up'.
They say you always you remember your first half-marathon well I couldn't imagine I could ever forget the roller coaster that it was and like any roller coaster when you get off, you want to get back on .
And so, I will continue on with my running hopefully improving as I go.
I want to thank Brenda Doody who trained me, offering her time, knowledge and patience. As well as, all the members of a great group:- Aidan, Assumpta, Bernie, Caroline, Geraldine, Geradina, Joanie, John, Lisa, Liam, Michelle, Mags, Mary, Susan, Tina, who all did amazingly well.