Wednesday, 27 February 2013

I did it! A Mile Completed.

Well people I did it a mile without stopping or walking, it was slow but I did it. YeahhHHHHH. This is how it happened.

Yesterday evening, we met in the carpark of the Gleneagle Hotel as usual. It had been a fabulous day, blue clear skies but chilly by 7p.m. yesterday evening it was cold. When we had all assembled we crossed the road and began with a jog down to a holiday village sign. I was going to be focussed this evening, I was going to find my pace, look straight ahead and not talk.  As usual I fell into my usual place at the back of the group but this time I felt strong, confident. As I joined the group to do stretches I felt good about myself. This feeling didn't last!
On the way back I kept feeling winded, winded isn't the right word either. I slowed down and gave into the temptation and walked. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. As the we stretched it out I felt annoyed and mad with myself.  I set off with Susan ahead of the rest of the group to complete a mile, I hadn't gone a quarter of the way when I gave into the temptation to walk. I had let myself down. I started running again and then walked. Susan pushed on with Assumpta and Michelle she was doing really well. As I finished, Brenda was encouraging. Everyone was heading off again for another run, I was hanging back. Brenda knew I wasn't happy, she told me to head off at my own pace, to remember what we had done the previous week, to slow it down when I felt like walking but to keep moving. At this stage I taken off my glasses so I couldn't focus on specifics in front of me.
I was determined and something just clicked in my head. I just looked straight ahead I could feel the rhythm in my legs. The cold was hitting my face even though I was warm my eyes were watering. What a state I must have looked.  I slowed down a few times, I wasn't going to be winning any time trials.  As I approached my dreaded STOP my group were there to cheer me on. I had done it, it may seem a small distance in the scheme of what we all hope to achieve but last night it meant alot, it meant I was progressing.
Brenda also handed back our food diaries with some comments on how to improve our diets. I am a bit of a coffee addict so I'll have to do something about that.  I'll have to try and drink more water i'll have to make it part of my routine as best I can.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

We are up to date.

Just a note, as of tonight this blog will be up to date.  Hopefully that will make it easier for you all to follow.

Will I do it?

I am seriously wondering will I be able for it.  I still have not  run a mile with any ease.  Any time I catch my breath or start to wheeze, I start to panic, and then my brain kicks in telling me to stop. I am off cigarettes 4 weeks  and the affect they have sickens me. I need a brain re-wiring I need to find that voice that others have that says 'keep going, you can do it'.
I looked at the route of the RUN KILLARNEY MARATHON. I am frightened and excited all at the same time. In these moments, I do believe I can complete my half marathon.
But God, on Tuesday night  I couldn't see it. Brenda is great she ran next to me encouraging me not to stop or walk but to keep running. I have to say the rest of the group are inspirational and as I watch them complete two miles after strugling a mile my admiration for them is high.
I will get there, won't I?
I find that the week goes quickly now. I also tend to go to bed earlier and wake earlier. The benefits of running and lack of nicotine. Michelle one of the girls in the group gave me Allen Carrs book about giving up smoking which I am reading.
Saturday came around all too soon, it's worse I'm getting. My whole body felt like lead. We did hill training which wasn't too bad. But I should probably relish that thought because I'm sure I won't be saying that again.

New Shoes

On Tuesday, Brenda had invited a physiotherapist to talk to us so there was no training and as the rain fell I was happy not to be out in it. The evening before I had gone for a walk after work and got soaked, so to escape that again would be lovely. Darren Gaffey, was the physiotherapist , the whole evening was very informative. At the end of talk, he had a look at my ankles. He told me what to do after a run ( or in my case jog/walk). He also advised me to invest in new running shoes.


And they are very comfortable. I am lifting my feet off the ground with them and the ache in my ankles is getting better. 
On the Saturday new trainers at the ready I felt confident as we headed off on our training session. Each week I feel I improve a little each week.  I find enjoy getting up in the morning and heading out to train.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Pain No Gain?

I entered my second week of training with a smile on my face. Full of hope that I would progress steadily. Which I felt I was. It really is amazing how a body reacts  when you give up nicotine, I didn't sound like a train as I jogged anymore. Now I still had trouble catching a breath sometimes but it would get better. I felt I was getting into my own stride.
Tuesday evening came around and I found myself looking forward to the training.  I jogged and walked a mile, stopping once or twice still coming in at the same position but it didn't feel as hard as it had before. I was heading for the STOP sign (AHHHHHH!!!) for the 1st mile the rest of my group were heading into their second, as they passed me by I thought some day soon that will be me. As the session came to a close I felt envigorated. 
The following morning I felt a stiffness in my ankles which persisted throughout the week and was annoyingly painful.
Since starting my training, my whole routine had changed I was more tired physically and I sleep a better sleep now.
Brenda had asked us to do a food diary for this week, which was going to a bit of a problem because I eat alot unhealthy non runner type foods.  The food thing was somethng to think about, I don't think I could run having eaten anything. Yet, for a run you needed fuel to carry you through it?  I suppose it will all come together,fingers, toes  etc.. crossed. I am rambling now.
As the week went on and my training continued , I ran nearly 10 mins without stopping. It doesn't sound alot does it but it was an achievement for me. I felt myself trying to eat healthier with the food diary to be written although unhealthy won out.
By Saturday morning, the stiffness and pain felt like two concrete blocks around my ankles.  Brenda had a look at my running style and I was extremely stiff. Not bending my knee enough, lifting my leg so all the pressure was on my ankles. Also, running shoes weren't ideal.  Brenda discussed everyones running style.  As runners pass me by now I look to see how they lift their legs of thr ground etc..
In fact, I think about running quiet alot these days.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Just A Note on this blog

Brenda and my running group encouraged me to write a blog about beginning to run and giving up cigarettes. It has taken me a few weeks and a bad day to take up that particular challenge. So I am here on a Saturday night filling in the last 3 weeks. So to those who may chose to read my rambles please have patience with me thanks.

Seriously I'm not having a heart attack!

Seriously I'm not having a heart attack! I said to myself as i ran on that Tuesday evening. I say ran but that really would be a stretch. It was more like a bit of a jog, a bit of a walk, a bit of oh my God why am I doing this!  The warm up was from the STOP sign to the holiday Village sign and back. Seriously! Every few steps my chest felt  tight and I couln't catch my breath. Brenda had spent some time explaining how important our breathing technique was when running and so here i was thinking & trying to breath  in through the nose out through the mouth.  My fellow runners seem alot fitter and able to push on than I.
We were put into pairs with other runners,  I was paired with Assumpta who couldn't pass the STOP sign until her partner i.e. ME passed it with her. I felt so bad as I knew I was holding her back. But like our group she encouraged me along. Brenda spoke encouragingly as I asked will I be able for the half marathon, saying there was plenty of time to get there. So in Brenda I trust.
I got my weekly training program. With great excitement Susan, Olivia and myself looked at our programs comparing them as we sat in McDonalds. I know I know but we were only having coffee. I swear. I eft them filled with great enthuasiasm for the week ahead. For the months ahead.
I had at this stage been off cigarettes for 3 days. I felt fine although my other half John might not agree.  I got up the following morning and set off on my training plan. I hadn't to run miles I had to jog and walk and intervals. At the end I felt great.
The week passed Saturday arrived, at 8.45 I set off on the training session. I went at my own pace which is slow but compared to the Saturday previous, I felt so much better. Each day is getting easier to move without the cigarettes. We jogged into the Killarney National Park, the air was crisp, the sky blue, I thought how lucky are we to have this on our doorsteps.
As we neared the STOP sign I felt happyish with my limited efforts.
I wondered if I would next week?

The Beginning of my change?

2013 is a big year I turn 40.  I think like most people I am not living the life I dreamed I would have at 18, I had goals which I would now never reach. But there were some which I could.  Two in particular were at the forefront of my now aging brain - GIVE UP SMOKING and RUN A HALF MARATHON.
As the Christmas decorations came down, I spied an advertisement for the Run Killarney Marathon in July 2013.  The organisers had arranged a meeting at the Gleneagle Hotel to give details with regards the three races they were holding on 20th July - 10km, half marathon & full marathon. They also wanted  to set up a running group.
On a dark evening in January, having talked my sister Susan and our mum into going with me, we listened intently to the organisers and Brenda Doody, a personal trainer and fitness expert who would lead the running  group. As I sat there listening, I had dreams of myself crossing a finishing line hands raised in triumph, so I signed up. As did Susan. I should at this stage, point out that I was still smoking 20 cigarettes a day and hadn't ran since I left National School, nearly 30 years ago. Was I MAD?
We met two weeks later on a Tuesday evening, Brenda outlined what our training would entail and introduced us to stretching pre and post run.  The group was made up of runners at all levels. The plan was to meet on the following Saturday morning at 8.45 am.
That morning I got up and with excitement I left the house. Arriving late the group was assembled in all their glory before me beaming faces which would become familiar over the weeks to follow.  As I crossed the road that morning I had no idea of the large wake up call I was about to receive. Brenda had to assess your running/ability level. Following stretches and a warm up jog, each us would run a mile which Brenda would time.
It went like this:- Stretching: ok not bad balance not hetic but so far so good. 
                            Warm Up: what the -------. Oh God this is the warm up i can only run a few paces with out stopping to catch a breath which is exceedling hard to do as my chest now sounds like a train. I think I'm in trouble.
                             The Mile: From the warm up you can guess where I came in. Its a position I will come familiar with as the weeks pass.
I pity Brenda what must she have thought as she saw me huffing and puffing come up to the STOP sign. ( This STOP sign is red one we see along the roads and I hated it that Saturday, I can't say I have grown much fonder of it but the hate has passed. I think!)

SUNDAY 27th JANUARY 2013 The first day of my new fit healthy life. I gave up cigarettes last night  after Saturday's  morning.  SO now my change has begun!